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WORD文档下载可编辑 PAGE 专业技术资料分享 电动汽车现状与发展趋势研究 摘要:本论文文探讨了电动汽车的发展方向以及电动汽车发展的重要性,分析了电动汽车发展的机遇揭示了电动汽车发展中存在的问题,并分析了电动汽车发展的背景和前景。 论文首先论述了纯电动汽车、混合动力电动汽车和燃料电池电动汽车的研究现状,探讨了世界发达国家和地区电动汽车的发展状况,并了解了超级电容器、驱动电机系统和动力电池。借鉴发达国家(地区)发展电动汽车的成熟经验,结合我国现有的政策环境和低碳生活。研究提出适合我国电动汽车发展切实可行的配套政策体系,并提出相关的政策建议。重点介绍了电动汽车在今后人们生活的中广泛应用。 针对电动汽车发展现状,本论文对电动汽车的未来做了积极展望:驱动电机呈多样化发展;新能源汽车的突出地位日渐显现;混合动力汽车最具发展潜力。 关键词:电动汽车 超级电容 驱动电机 现状 趋势 发展 Research on the Present Situations and Development Trends for Electric Vehicles Abstract:This article analyzes the importance of electric vehicle. And it puts focus on the opportunities, threats and real problems in the development of the electric vehicle. This article explains the backgrounds of electric vehicle. This paper analyzes the importance of electric vehicle, gives a brief view for present status of battery electric vehicle, hybrid electric vehicle and fuel cell electric vehicle in the world. And it confers the projects of the electric vehicle industry in the main developed countries. Meanwhile it explains electric automobile purpose driving motor system, the battery and the Super-Capacitor. With existing policy environment in China, this paper refers the mature experience of developing electric vehicles industry in developed countries (regions), proposes a supporting politic system that can be practically fulfilled in Chinese electric vehicles development. It centers on the applications of electric vehicle in Beijing Olympic and the World Exposition in Shanghai. According to the present situation of electric vehicles, this article put forwards some active prospects, including that the clean power vehicles will be more and more welcomed by the whole world, the purpose driving motor system varieties and the hybrid electric vehicle have the potential to develop. Key words:Electric Vehicle Super-Capacitor Driving Motor Present Situations Trends develop 引 言 汽车在全球保有量的不断增加使人类生活面临能源短缺、全球变暖、空气质量水平下降等诸多挑战,同时也推动汽车自身技术的发展,为此汽车工程师正在不


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