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29 3 Vol. 29, No. 3 2009 3 Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae M ar. , 2009 , , , . 2009. [ J]. , 29( 3) : 63 - 6 0 T anK, Chen Q W, Zhu C B, e t a l. 2009. Developm ent and application of a tw o-dmi ensionalw ater qua lity m odel to the confluence of the DaqingheR iver and D ianchiLake[ J]. Acta Scientiae C ircum stantiae, 29( 3) : 63 - 6 0 1 1, * 2 1 谭夔, 陈求稳 , 朱传保 , 李若男 1. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 城市与区域生态国家重点实验室, 北京 100085 2. 水利部水文局, 北京 100053 : 2008-06-22 : 2008-07-08 : 2009-01-15 : , , . , 2006 2007 , 2007. , , . : ; ; ; : 0253-2 68( 2009) 03-63 -07 : X32 : A Development and application of a two-dimensionalwater quality model to the confluence of theDaqinghe River andDianchiLake 1 1, * 2 1 TAN Ku i, CHEN Q iuw en , ZHU Chuanbao, LIRuonan 1. State Key Laboratory ofUrban and RegionalE cology, Research Center forE co-Environm ental Sciences, ChineseA cadem y of Sciences, Beijing 100085 2. Hydrological Bureau, M inistry ofW ater Resources, Beijing 100053 Received 22 June 2008; received in revised form 8 July 2008; accepted 15 January 2009 bstract: Water quality m odels are mi portant tools to support the optmi ization of aquatic rehabilitation program s and assess the ir efficiencies. Basing on the flow conditions of the confluence area betw een the Daqinghe R iver and D ianchi Lake, a tw o-dmi ensional w ater qua lity model w as developed. The hydrodynam ics module w as num erically solved by alternating direction iteration. The param eters for the w ater qualitym odulew ere obta ined through in-situ and lab expermi ents thatw ere conducted from 2006 to 2007. Them odelw as calibrated and verified by the observation data in 2007. The developedm odel w as applied to smi ul


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