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第 15 卷 第 4 期 铁道科学与工程学报 Volume 15 Number 4 2018 年 4 月 Journal of Railway Science and Engineering April 2018 架桥机跨武广高速铁路时的 抗风稳定性研究 刘树堂 ( 中铁十四局集团有限公司,湖南 长沙 410000) 摘 要:以计算流体力学Fluent 软件为仿真平台,采用 “动网格”技术,编写 UDF 列车行驶路线程序,对在强侧风作用下, 高速列车以不同方式通过架桥机下导梁进行数值模拟。在列车多种运行方式的情况下,计算强侧风与列车风对导梁的冲击载 荷与气动力。并对下导梁的跨中断面进行布点监测,揭示列车通过架桥机导梁下方区域时下导梁周围气流的速度和压力值空 间分布规律,从而研究各工况下列车风对导梁的气动作用,为施工单位评估架桥机的安全稳定性提供结论和建议。 关键词:架桥机;数值模拟;动网格;气动力;安全稳定性 中图分类号:U442.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672−7029(2018)04 −0854 −08 Research on wind-resistance stability of the bridge-erecting machine acrossing the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed rail LIU Shutang (China Railway 14 Bureau Group Limited, Changsha 410000, China) Abstract: Based on the CFD software Fluent and the dynamic mesh technology, the programs for the UDF trains route procedures were wrote. The high-speed trains crossing through the bridge-erecting machine was simulated in different motion forms under the situations of strong crosswind. Firstly, the impact loads and aerodynamic force created by strong crosswind and the train-wind of the launching nose were calculated. Secondly, the speed and the pressure distribution were received through the monitoring points of the launching nose sections. Finally, the paper studied the aerodynamic effects in various conditions of train motion forms on the launching nose sections, which provides a valuable reference and recommendation for bridge constructors in evaluating the safety stability of the bridge-erecting machine. Key words: bridge-erecting machine; numerical simulation; dynamic mesh; aerodynamic force; safety st


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