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地缘和血缘之间:祖神与“会馆”模式祠堂的建构 HYPERLINK 刘泳斯 【专题名称】 HYPERLINK 宗教 【专 题 号】B9 【复印期号】2010年03期 【原文出处】《 HYPERLINK 中央民族大学学报:哲学社会科学版》(京)2010年1期第82~87页 【英文标题】Between Lineage and Territorial Bonds: The Construction of Ancestral God and the Ancestral Hall Patterned after Guild Hall 【作者简介】刘泳斯(1982-),女,广西梧州人,香港中文大学文化及宗教研究系博士研究生,香港 【内容提要】 在我国民间信仰中,将祖先奉为神明或将神明认为祖先的宗教现象比较常见,本文称之为“祖神”、“祖庙”。另外,还有颇具特色的一类祖庙:“会馆”模式的祠堂。在明清传统中,同乡商旅建立会馆,主殿一般都供奉具有代表性的家乡神明,而四周则摆放同乡的牌位。祖庙的“思维方式”类似于会馆,主殿供奉“祖神”,而四周摆放牌位。这类宗教现象,反映出地方信仰组织构成在地缘与血缘之间的复杂关系。 Its common to find that a Chinese ancestor is worshiped as a god by a certain group of people or a god treated as the ancestor by a certain lineage. According to fieldwork experiences, the conversions between temple and ancestral hall, from local god to ancestor or on the other way round, happen from time to time in China. Such fusion of god and ancestor, temple and ancestral hall, the author calls them ancestral god and ‘ancestral temple respectively. The focus of this paper is on the discussion about ancestral hall patterned after guild hall, which is a typical kind of ancestral temple. During Ming and Qing dynasties, merchants from the same village usually founded an association and raised funds to build a guild hall, where the representative god from their hometown would be enshrined at the center. The organization of ancestral hall patterned after guild hall shares some common characteristics with that of guild hall, with the ancestral god enshrined at the center and the tablets with the names of the deceased members around it. This paper tries to figure out the complex connections between lineage and territorial bonds in the organization of local cults by discussing the construction of ancestral god and the flexible ancestral hall patterned after guild hall 【日??? 期】2009-08-25 【关 键 词】 HYPERLINK 地缘/ HYPERLINK 血缘/ HYPERLINK 祖神/ HYPERLINK “会馆”模式的祠堂/ HYPERLINK 民间信仰territorial bonds/ HYPERLINK lineage/ HYPERLINK ancestral god/ HYPERLINK ancestral hall patterne


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