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埃及,全称阿拉伯埃及共和国.埃及是中东人口最多的国家,也是非洲人口第二大国,埃及是古代四大文明古国之一,曾经是世界上最早的国家。在经济、科技领域方面长期处于非洲领先态势。 * 埃及的气候非常宜人,一年中的大部分时间是晴朗的,与平均日照达八小时。即使在夏天,下雨很少 * 埃及在非洲的东北角。90%的土地被沙漠覆盖,只有10%的土地是肥沃的,可以耕种。 世界最长的河:尼罗河贯穿埃及,而那里的人民都住在河的两岸,尼罗河从南到北流入地中海。 * 埃及是阿拉伯世界人口最多的国家,它的人口达9400万,其中绝大多数生活在河谷和三角洲。他们中的许多人是阿拉伯人。埃及的国教是伊斯兰教,。官方语言为阿拉伯语,有些也讲英语和法语 * 金字塔是埃及的象征,是埃及人民的骄傲。 * 埃及古代奴隶社会的方锥形帝王陵墓。 世界八大建筑奇迹之一。数量众多,分布广泛 * * 埃及人喜吃甜食,蚕豆是他们的国菜,值得一提的是,很多埃及人还特别爱吃中国川莱 * 埃及人不喜欢熊猫,有人说是因为熊猫肥胖懒惰,众所周知,穆斯林不喜欢猪,而大多数埃及人都是穆斯林,他们认为熊猫看起来像一头猪,所以他们不喜欢熊猫 * 相反埃及人很喜欢猫,他们认为猫代表女神巴斯特——象征生育,母亲,保护,和仁慈太阳的深受欢迎的女神 * 《不要对熊猫说不》是埃及2010为推进营销阿拉伯乳制品生产制作的电视广告。 * By xxx The?Egypt we know Pyramid mummy Let us into?the real?Egypt! General Situation Egypt, full name is Arab republic of Egypt. Egypt is the most populous country in the Middle east and the second most populous country Africa. Egypt is one of the four ancient civilization ancient country, was the worlds first national. In the aspect of economy, science and technology has long been a leading situation in Africa . General Situation Climate Egypts climate is very pleasant, for most of the year is sunny, and the average sunshine is up to eight hours. Even during the summer days, raining is rarely Geography Egypt in the northeast of Africa. 90% of the land is covered by desert only 10% of the land is enough rich to be cultivated. The Egypt has the worlds longest river Nile , which the people there live in the river on both sides of the river from south to north into the Mediterranean The river Niel Population and?the official language Egypt is the most populous country in the Arab worlds, its population amounted to Ninety-four million, the vast majority of them live in valley and delta. Many of them are Arab. their state religion is Islam . The official language is Arabic ,they also speak English and French. tourism Pyramid is the national symbol of Egypt, the pride of the people of Egypt 胡夫金字塔 吉萨金字塔 Square taper ancient Egyptian slave society of impe


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