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Words originated from French Mortuary Borrowed into English in 1330 from Anglo–French mortuarie (gift to a parish priest from a deceased parishioner), it was first used to refer to “a place where bodies are kept temporarily” in 1865 as a euphemism for earlier deadhouse. Words originated from French Embolism Borrowed into English in 1387 from Old French embolisme, it originally meant “intercalation (置润) of days into a calendar” as the French word was derived from late Latin embolismus (insertion of days in a calendar to correct errors). Its medical sense of “obstruction of a blood vessel” is first recorded in English in 1855. embolism:置闰 Words originated from French Malaise [mA5leiz] Borrowed in 1768 from French malaise, it literally means “ill–ease”. The French word is formed from mal (bad) and aise (ease). Words originated from French Surgeon It was borrowed into English in about 1300 from Anglo–French surgien (originally, working or done by hand). Words originated from French Prostate [5prCsteit] It entered English in 1646 from Middle French prostate, which was ultimately based on Greek proistanai (set before), from pro– (before) and histanai (cause to stand). It was so called because of its position at the base of the bladder. Words originated from French Prostate 前列腺炎 prostatitis 前列腺肥大 prostate hypertrophy / enlargement / enlarged prostate 前列腺痛 prostatodynia prostatitis prostate hypertrophy / enlargement / enlarged prostate prostatodynia prostatectomy prostaglandin Words originated from French Prostate 前列腺切除术 prostatectomy prostaglandin 前列腺素 prostatitis prostate hypertrophy / enlargement / enlarged prostate prostatodynia prostatectomy prostaglandin Words originated from French bruit 杂音 chancre 下疳 debridement 清创术 goiter甲状腺肿 grand / petit mal癫痫大小发作 lavage灌洗 massage按摩 prostatitis prostate hypertrophy / enlargement / enlarged prostate prostatodynia prostatectomy prostaglandin Words originated from German German Words originated from German Sta


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