基于感应线圈的道路车辆识别方法 毕业设计.doc

基于感应线圈的道路车辆识别方法 毕业设计.doc

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基于感应线圈的道路车辆识别方法 毕业设计

电子信息工程学院毕业设计(论文) PAGE PAGE III 摘 要 近年来, 随着我国经济建设的高速发展,机动车辆拥有量也在急剧增长,交通流量日益增大,了解路况交通实时信息让司机选择道路通畅的路段是解决道路拥堵问题的一个重要手段。因此,研究开发适合我国交通现状和具有稳定性好的检测设备变得尤为重要。 本文研究和提出了一种基于感应线圈的道路车辆识别方法,该方法利用感应线圈车辆检测器对车辆的电磁感应特性进行数据采集,通过对振荡器的频率计数获得通行车辆的信息(车流量包括车速及通过车辆的个数),再将数据传输到总控制器。 信号产生电路采用LC电容三点式振荡电路,此电路主要用来产生正弦信号,适用于几十千赫至几百千赫的频率范围内,由于51系列单片机测频范围有限,本系统选用分频器HCF4040对振荡电路频率分频后再进行测量。 此外,本文的另外一个重点是实测数据的分析。本文以大量实测数据为依据,分析了车辆通过线圈上方时,车辆检测器中LC振荡电路频率的变化情况,找出了车辆通过时振荡频率变化的最佳阈值,并且实地验证了结果的可行性。 基于LC振荡电路与51系列单片机组成的环形线圈检测器,不仅经济,还能够保证系统的检测精度和抗干扰性,为进一步应用于实际打下了坚实的基础。 关键词:环形线圈传感器;LC振荡电路;51单片机;数码显示 Abstract In recent years,the quantity of vehicles and the traffic flow increase rapidly with the development of China economy. So it is important for the drivers to know the real-time information of the traffic system. Therefore,it is also very important to research a stable equipment which can detect the traffic situation. This paper provides a device of vehicle and its velocity detection based on an induction loop sensor,The device collects the data of electromagnetic induction characteristics with the inductive loop sensor. This device can obtain the information of vehicles by measuring the frequency of the oscillator circuit,then transmits the data to the total controlling center. The signal circuit of the device adopts LC oscillator circuit,and this oscillator circuit is mainly used to produce sinusoidal signal,and the frequency of the sinusoidal signal is between scores of kHz to hundreds of kHz. Because of the frequency-measurement limit of the MCU, the system selects the frequency divider HCF4040 in order to easily measure the frequency. Furthermore, another emphasis of this paper is the practical measurement analysis. This paper is based on much practical data,and analyzes the frequency change of the vehicle detector when vehicles traveling through the loop. This paper also identifies the optimal threshold of frequency changing when the vehicles passes and verify the theoretical feasibility. The ind


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