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Unit 6---8 Senior II 开始 对将来的新发明作 出预测 瞥见 在大多数市区 环保的 以430千米每小时 的惊人速度 确保安全 一家拥挤的店 保持活跃 在年老时 治好某人的病 get started make forecasts about future developments catch a glimpse of in most urban areas be environmentally friendly at an amazing 430 km/h= at an amazing speed of … ensure safety a crowded store remain active in old age cure sb of diseases 终身学习者 为…作好准备 储藏,快要发生 得回双倍的钱 要求某人做… 上网 故事的结局 1998年的春天 第一个生活在火星 上的人 开一家网上的店 陪伴某人 从…下载信息 在电话上认出某人的声音 lifelong learners be well-prepared for in store get double their money back require sb to do surf the Internet an ending to the story the spring of 1998 the first one to live on Mars open an online store keep sb company download information from recognize … on the phone 整理,打扫干净 及时;迟早 致命的疾病 感染… 通过以下路线 被传送 毁掉,垮掉 使…对…无防备 缺乏恰当的医疗保健 使…振奋 拥抱某人 整天 去检查 采血样 clean up in time deadly diseases be infected with=contract … be transmitted via the following routes break down leave sb defenceless against… (a) lack of proper health care cheer up give sb a hug=embrace sb all day long=throughout the day have sb examined take samples of one’s blood 一种忧伤的表情 脑子里一片空白 相反地 暂时 免于,从…摆脱 把…当作 在钢琴比赛中的奖 从自行车上掉下来 给与急救 电器设备 目击一个事故 处理紧急情况 a sad look in one’s eyes have an empty feeling in one’s stomach on the contrary for the moment be free from think of …as=look on… as win a prize at a piano competition fall off the bike=fall down (from).. give/do first aid electrical equipment witness an accident deal/do with an emergency 保持冷静 滚动 执行,履行 去野炊 死于心脏病 靠近湖 本该做更多 吐出 在房间里找药 万一有紧急的情况 stay calm roll over carry out go for a picnic die of a sudden heart attack get close to the lake could have done more spit out search the room for pills in case of an emergency 1. suggest, advise, persuade 1. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ____ to eat more fruit and vegetables. A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuaded


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