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? ? Lesson Three Hans Christian Andersens Own Fairy Tale(II) HYPERLINK javascript:window.print() 打印本页 ?   一、词汇   (一)课前预习:   请在开始本教程之前跟着本书配套磁带朗读单词和课文2遍,大致熟悉课文内容。   (二)词汇   1.请注意以下单词划线部分的音标:   attic 阁楼,顶楼   view (从特定处看到的)景色   fund 资金,现款   vividly 生动地   march 行进,行军   gallop (指马等或骑者)飞奔,奔驰   papercut 剪纸   publish 出版(书籍,期刊等)   2.humor [名词](美/英)幽默 humorous 形容词   deeply 深刻地   heart 实质;感情   emperor 皇帝   3.kind-hearted [复合词] 好心的,仁慈的   warm-hearted 热心的   cold-blooded 冷血的   4.unhappy不幸福的,不愉快的   happily 幸福地,愉快地   happy [副词] happily   [名词] happiness   [反义词] unhappy   comfort 安慰(某人)   awkward (动作或形态)难看的;笨拙的   figure 形态,体形   court 宫廷   day 时代   duck-yard 鸭圈   swan 天鹅   5.celebration 庆祝 celebrate[动词]   The 20th Anniversary Celebration 20周年庆典   prince (某领域中的)优秀或杰出人物   full 丰富的   be full of ……充满   6.lay (laid, laid) 放置,产卵 lay the table 布置餐桌 lay egg 下蛋    lie a.躺 (lay lain) 现在进行时 lying    He lay himself in bed.    b.说谎 (lied lied)现在进行时 lying    You are good at lying.    骗子,说谎的人 liar   二、课文分析   1 In Copenhagen, Hans Christian lived in an attic in an old house, where he had a good view of the city. But there was one big fact that he could not see right under his own nose. The plays and poetry that he wrote were not very good.   have a good view清楚看到   We have a good view of Beijing from Wan Shou Mountain.   a university 一所大学 [ju:]是辅音   an umbrella 一把伞 [Λ]是元音   2 Hans Christian made friends with a few kind people. Among them was Jonas Collin of the Royal Theater. This kind man collected funds from friends to send the young writer to school. Hans felt most at ease with children. He ate his dinner in turn at the homes of six friends. In each home the children begged him for stories.   make friends with sb与某人交朋友   send sb to school 供某人上学   feel at ease with sb 和某人在一起很自在   eat ate eaten   in turn 轮流   Let’s watch the video in turn.   beg 请求   beggar乞丐   3 Hans told a tale so vividly that you could see and hear toy soldiers marching and toy horses galloping. And he could make the most w


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