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Unit 8 Gender Difference Objective 1. read a story about how men and women think differently; 2. Learn some pairs of words showing gender differences; 3. Get some idea of how men differ from women when shopping; 4. Get some tips about the predictive clause in English; 5. Learn how to respond to invitation cards or letters; Focuses 1. Vocabulary in words and expressions of Text A and Text B. 2. Comprehension of Text A and Text B. 3. Grammar (The Relative Clause) 4. Practical Writings: How to write an invitation letter Outline: 1. Background Information; study of words and expressions in Text A; Vocabulary Check (Band C) 2. Discussion of Text A and the follow-up exercises (A and B) 3. Active Words and Vocabulary Check; Grammar Tips 4. Discussion of Text B and the follow-up exercises 5. Comprehensive Exercises (Ask the students to do the translation exercises outside of the class beforehand) 6. Practical Writing Procedures: Classroom Activities I. Warm-up Discussion Question: In what ways do men and women differ? Hint: Men differ women in numerous aspects, for instance(1)communication; (2)thinking; (3)shopping habit. Gender Differences Men Women thinking Form an opinion on facts Form an opinion based on personal emotion communication Tend to be direct, straightforward, focusing on one topic for a long period of time Tend to be indirect, jumping quickly from one topic to another Shopping habit Go shopping when they need sth, and decide on it immediately with little bargaining Go shopping when they want to and in most cases buy nothing II. Vocabulary in Text A 1. thought n. 念头,想法;思想 e.g. After much thought he decided not to buy the car. 考虑再三后,他决定不买那辆车。 think v. 想,思考;认为 thoughtful adj 深思的;思考的;体贴的;关切的 thoughtless adj. 考虑不周的;粗心大意的;不顾及他人的 2. occur vi. 被想起,被想到;发生;出现 e.g: (1)An idea occurred to me. 我有主意了。 (2)The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas. 这种疾病多见于农村地区。 Occurrence n. 发生;出现;发生的事情 e.g. The occurrence of this word is frequent. 这个词出现的频率很高。 3.exactly adv. 准


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