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A Rose for Emily;1.encroach:[?nkrot?] P2 1) advance beyond the usual limit ~on(upon);2). impinge or infringe upon vt. 侵犯;侵入;2.tarnish[tɑ:ni?] 1)n. P5 discoloration of metal surface caused by oxidationn. 晦暗,无光泽;污点 ;3)v.make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically;Jewelry would surely be nice, but what can I afford that would not soon tarnish or grow quickly out of style? ;3.vanquish[v??kwi?] P15 come out better in a competition, race, or conflictvt. 征服;击败;克服;抑制(感情等);4.temerity [timer?ti, t?-] P15fearless daringn. 鲁莽,冒失;蛮勇 ;5.imperviousness [imp?:vi?snis]the quality of being impenetrable (by people or light or missiles etc.). 不受影响的,不为所动的,无动于衷的;6.erect P41 ;2)adj. 竖立的;笔直的;因性刺激而勃起的;7.disgraceP44 [disɡreis;2)v.使……失宠;给……丢脸;使……蒙受耻辱;贬黜 1. bring shame or dishonor upon 2. reduce in worth or character, usually verbally 3. damage the reputation of So its you that have disgraced the family! 原来是你丢了全家的面子! ;8.perverse P51[p?v?:s, p?:v?:s] ;2)resistant to guidance or discipline倔强的 A propensity to be saucy was one; and a perverse will, that indulged children invariably acquire, whether they be good-tempered or cross. 莽撞的性子是一个;还有倔强的意志,这是被娇惯的孩子们一定有的,不论他们脾气好坏。 ;3)marked by immorality; deviating from what is considered right or proper or good不正当的;邪恶的;堕落的;不合法的 If the people and the newspaper seem mad, perverse, and wicked, remind yourself that you seem so to them. 如果这些人和报纸看,上去疯狂、荒谬和恶劣,那么请提醒你自己,在他们看来,你可能也是如此。 ;9.to submerge in to cause (sth.) to go under the surface of a liquid,the sea,etc.使某物进入液面、海面之下;淹没 ;10.virulent [virjul?nt];2)(formal) full of hatred,and very strongly expressed 有恶意的


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