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August 20 10 version Stress-Strain Data with EXCEL Welcome to the Mechanical Testing Instructional Lab (MTIL). The gears can be a little rusty at the start of a new semester and new material can be a bit unnerving. The processing of data from MTIL experiments may be the first time that you have analyzed large sets of real data. This narrative will help you get started on the lab reports by providing step-by-step instructions for converting an Instron data file to a stress- strain curve. Additionally, a list of helpful EXCEL commands is included to make data reduction and report assembly more efficient. By no means does this information tell you everything you’ll need to know, but provides assistance in constructing a curve you will get to know very well during the semester. You will also discover a plethora of extra tricks in WORD and EXCEL as the semester progresses, so take advantage of the group setting to learn from your classmates! The Tensile Test This example uses data recorded during tensile testing on an Instron testing machine. The specimen is made of 6150 Steel. During the test, the load increases to a maximum value, then decreases. Eventually the specimen breaks. Information about the specimen and testing conditions are recorded in a header file. Data are recorded during the test. We are primarily interested in the tensile load and the corresponding relative change in length, linear strain. The data are used to generate a stress-strain curve. Download the Data Get started by retrieving data files from the server at: /DATA The raw test data are accessed in your class directory (or /MTIL666) in 00-TensileExample. Display the file in a browser, then right-click to “Save Page as …”. Files generated during testing are in ASCII tab-delimited form



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