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应用文道歉信假设你是李华,由于母亲在北京住院,所以你无法参加美国朋友(John)本周六下午的生日聚会。请你给他写一封电子邮件表示歉意,内容包括:表达歉意说明原因送上祝福注意:1.词数不少于50;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.邮件的开头和结尾已经给出,但不计总词数。Dear John, How is everything going with you? Best wishes, LIHua道歉信(A Letter of Apology)正文(Body) 1)向对方表示歉意;2) 陈述犯错的原因,也就是让对方原谅你的理由;3) 你将如何弥补你的过错;4) 再次表示道歉。2. 常用词汇(words)apologize v. 道歉 apology n.道歉regret   抱歉excuse原谅forgive原谅 shame羞愧awkward难为情的embarrassed 尴尬的interrupt打断 disturb 打扰carelessness 粗心大意 careless 粗心的compensate 弥补 promise 承诺3.常用语句 (sentences)1)我很抱歉地告诉你...I am terribly sorry/regret to tell you that..2)我写此信是请求你原谅我.. I’m writing to ask you to excuse me for ..3)没能去参加你的生日聚会,我非常抱歉.I do apologize for my not going to your birthday party .4)为了弥补...,我想...In order to compensate for .. I would like to …我保证我下次一定小心. I promise I will be very careful next time.谢谢你的包容.Thank you for your patience .请一定原谅我. Please do forgive me .如果你能原谅我,我会非常感激。I should be much obliged if you will please excuse me.Sample 1July 2, 2013Dear Alison, I must apologize to you that I have lost the pen you lent me last Monday, I looked wherever I might have put it, but I just couldn’t find it, I know it was a gift from your aunt, I’m going to buy a new one for you, I’m really sorry for being so careless, you’ll accept my apology, won’t you? Yours, JimSample 2Dear Helen : I’m writing to ask you to excuse me for not going to your birthday party . I hope you can forgive me If you know the reason . Remember I promised to go to your party last week ? Unfortunately, I was called away on business, in the rush I forgot to do as I had promised you, and I also forgot to ring you. I hope you had a wonderful time that day. I sincerely regret the disappointment I caused you. Yours, LihHua?Dear John, How is everything going with you? I’m terribly sorry that I’ m not able to go to your birthday party this Saturday afternoon. I’m in Beijing now because my mother is seriously ill and will have an operation here. She is in badly need of my care these days, so I’m staying here to


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