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36 11 Vol36 No11 2008 11 COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Nov. 2008 齐 玫 (, 100013) : 介绍一种公路装煤车成套技术及工艺装备, 其解决了采用汽车衡装车方式装载精 度低 速度慢可靠性差易作弊人力物力消耗大不易管理等问题, 从源头上解决了汽车装煤超载 欠载的突出问题, 极大地提高了装车效率, 满足公路汽车装煤运输要求 : 汽车运输; 定量斗秤; 自动控制; 精度; 装车装备; 煤炭 : TD67 : A : 0253 2336 ( 2008) 11 0004 03 R esearch on in telligen t rap id quan titative truck loading technology and equipm ent QIMei (H igh Tech Re sea rch and D evelopm en t D epa rtm en ,t T iand i Sc ience and T echnology C o. L td. , B eij ing 100013, Ch ina ) A bstrac t: The paper introduced the comp leted set technology and equ ipm ent for coal truck load ing, w hich cou ld solve the low loading ac curacy, slow loading, poor reliab ility, cheating in loading, h igh consumption in labour and m aterial, hard to managem ent and other prob lem s of the truck scale loadingm ethod. The prob lem s of the truck overload ing and truck shortage load ing could be solved at the beginn ing of the truck transportation, wh ich cou ld high ly mi prove the truck load ing efficiency and m eet the requ irem ents of the coal h ighw ay truck transportation. K ey w ord s: truck transportation; quantitative hopper scale; autom atic contro;l accuracy; truck load ing equipment; coal , 1 , , , , , , () , , , , , , , 2


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