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TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc292896147 OFFICIAL GUIDE TO SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION PAGEREF _Toc292896147 \h 3
HYPERLINK \l _Toc292896148 含义与简洁(Meaning Concision) PAGEREF _Toc292896148 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l _Toc292896149 修饰语(Modifiers) PAGEREF _Toc292896149 \h 10
HYPERLINK \l _Toc292896150 主谓一致(Subject-Verb Agreement) PAGEREF _Toc292896150 \h 15
HYPERLINK \l _Toc292896151 平行结构(Parallelism) PAGEREF _Toc292896151 \h 18
HYPERLINK \l _Toc292896152 比较(Comparisons) PAGEREF _Toc292896152 \h 24
HYPERLINK \l _Toc292896153 代词及杂题(PronounsOdds and ends) PAGEREF _Toc292896153 \h 28
HYPERLINK \l _Toc292896154 动词时态、语气与语态(Verb Tense, Mood, Voice) PAGEREF _Toc292896154 \h 31
HYPERLINK \l _Toc292896155 习语(Idioms) PAGEREF _Toc292896155 \h 35
As can be a preposition meaning “in the capacity of,” but more often is a conjunction of manner and is followed by a verb. Like is generally used as a preposition, and therefore is followed by a noun, an object pronoun, or a verb ending in “ing.”
Correct: “People like you inspire me.” Incorrect: “People as you inspire me.”
Like the planets, the stars are in motion
As the planets, the stars are in motion(wrong!!!)
Modification problems: Modifiers should be positioned so it is clear what word or words they are meant to modify. If modifiers are not positioned clearly, they can cause illogical references or comparisons, or distort the meaning of the statement.
Correct: “In the Middle Ages, the world was believed to be flat.” Incorrect: “In the Middle Ages, the world was flat.”
Present perfect完成时标志词:by the end of, by the time…,进行时标志词throughout: Used with has or have, the present perfect tense describes an action that occurred at
完成时标志词:by the end of, by the time…,进行时标志词throughout
Correct: “I have traveled all over the world.” (at an indefinite time)
Past progressive: Used with was or were, this verb form describes something that was happening when another action occurred.
Correct: “The student was studying when the fire alarm ra
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