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Module 9;Simon and Daming want to .
The Un building is very . And there are flags from . The UN has got
member states. They .
Many countries the UN. Then they go . And Simon Daming
from China. It’s a .
And it’s very .Daming likes it very much.
He wants .
;Does your father want to cook?
.;What do you want to do?
.; ?
He wants to visit New Yoek .;Review.;Review.;Review.;Review.;Review.;listen and choose.;Do you visit the ?
Do you want to Mountain?
Yes, he . He to China now.;listen and answer.;Listen and match .;listen and choose.;listen and tick.;Read and answer.;Read and answer.;Check the answers.;Check the answers.;Check the answers.;Check the answers.;Check the answers.;Check the answers.;Read and learn;上海(Shanghai),简称“沪”或“申”,中华人民共和国直辖市,是中国的经济、交通、科技、工业、金融、会展和航运中心之一。地处长江入海口,隔东中国海与日本九州岛相望,南濒杭州湾,西与江苏、浙江两省相接。上海是一座国家历史文化名城,早在宋代就有了“上海”之名,拥有深厚的近代城市文化底蕴和众多历史古迹。;Read and learn; 昆明,享“春城”之美誉,云南省会。昆明地处云贵高原中部,它三面环山,南濒滇池,湖光山色,天然成趣。滇池是云南省最大的高原湖泊,全国第六大淡水湖泊,沿湖两岸风光绮丽。;Guiling ;Read and learn;Practise .;Fill in.;Fill in.;Fill in.;Practise. ;Writing .;Writing .;Writing .;火眼金睛; there are
want to visit…
should go to the zoo
in the south of China
good idea
a beautiful lake;I don’t want .
A. to swimming B. go swimming C. to go swimming
2. There ___ lots of places in China.
A. is B. am C. are
3. -Let’s go swimming!