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Unit 5 Warming up 高二年级 缪娜 《和你一样》 中国红十字会宣传曲 Learning aims 学习目标 1. Master some knowledge of first aid. 2.Learn some useful words and expressions in this unit: temporary, fall ill, get injured, etc. 3.Learn how to do first aid treatment correctly in different situations. 学习如何在不同情况下正确地实施急救。 Warning! First aid is important for the victims (受害者), and necessary for us to learn about. There were about760,000 traffic accidents in China last year, resulting in 106,000 deaths. About 70% of the deaths were due to the lack of timely(及时的) first aid(急救). So… First aid is a __________ form of help given to someone who suddenly ______ or __________ before a doctor can be found. Often the ______ or ______ is not_______, but there are other times when giving ______________ can save _____. temporary falls ill gets injured illness injury serious first aid quickly lives Can you think of what accidents need first aid in our daily life? Accidents drown bleed choke burn nosebleed a snake bite a sprained ankle a broken arm Brainstorming Nowadays there are a lot of accidents in our daily life. What can you do to help others in such situations? Role-play 1. How many common accidents are mentioned in this passage? A. Two.  B. Three.  C. Four.  D. Five. 2. If someone goes into shock after receiving an injury, you’ll find that______. A. the face turns grey B. the skin becomes damp and cold C. the patient breathes quickly D. all of the above 3. What’s the best title for this passage? A. Save One’s Life B. First Aid C. Common Injures D. Some Accidents Consolidation 巩固提升训练 1. How many common accidents are mentioned in this passage? Two.    B. Three.    C. Four.    D. Five. 2. If someone goes into shock after receiving an injury, you’ll find that______. A. the face turns grey B. the skin becomes damp and cold C. the patient breathes quickly D. all of the above 解析:细节理解题


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