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广西英语翻译大赛复习总结性资料 区域性时事性翻译必背 1、深入学习实践科学发展观,全力办好“两会一节”! Practice the Scientific Outlook on Development to Stage a Successful CAEXPO, CABIS and Nanning International Folk Song Arts Festival 2、科学发展,共创和谐,服务东盟,面向世界! Strive for Sustainable and Harmonious Development, Serve ASEAN and Go Global 3、办好中国—东盟博览会,服务中国—东盟自贸区建设与发展! Stage a Successful CAEXPO to Serve the Process of CAFTA 4、同一个目标六载携手,同一个梦想合作共赢! Hand in Hand to fulfill the 6-Year Dream of Win-win Cooperation. 5、办好博览会,服务自贸区! Stage a Successful CAEXPO to Serve CAFTA 6、机会、互惠、共赢,中国—东盟商务与投资峰会! CABIS -- A Grand Event with Opportunities and Mutual Benefit 7、携手共建国际区域经济发展新格局! Join Hands to Frame a New Regional Economic Structure. 8、中国—东盟博览会? 10+1﹥11! CAEXPO -- 10+1﹥11! 9、中国—东盟自贸区如期建成,市场更大,机会更多,发展更快! CAFTA Comes with a Larger Market, More Opportunities and Faster Development 10、精彩中国—东盟博览会,辉煌中国—东盟自贸区! Splendid CAEXPO and Prosperous CAFTA 11、盛世欢歌,同唱和谐,南宁国际民歌艺术节! Nanning International Folk Song Arts Festival – A Stage of Harmony in the Era of Prosperity 12、开放的广西欢迎您!联合国人居奖城市—南宁欢迎您! Welcome to the Open Guangxi. Welcome to Nanning -- The Winner of UN Habitat Scroll of Honor 13、当好东道主,热情迎嘉宾! Welcome to Nanning! 14.办好博览会? 推动自贸区如期建成 (办好中国—东盟博览会? 推动中国—东盟自贸区如期建成)? Stage A Successful China-ASEAN Expo, Promote the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Construction 15.推进自贸区建设? 拓展区域合作发展新空间 Accelerate the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Construction, Explore New Rooms for Regional Cooperation and Development 16.办好博览会? 服务自贸区 A Successful China-ASEAN Expo for the Successful China-ASEAN Free Trade Area 17.中国—东盟博览会? 10+1>11 China-ASEAN Expo? 10+1>11 18.相聚博览会? 尽享自贸区先机 Grand Gathering at the China-ASEAN Expo, Share the Opportunities of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area 19.中国—东盟自贸区如期建成? 市场更大? 机会更多? 发展更快 China-ASEAN Free Trade Area: Larger Market, More Opportunities, Faster Development 20.精彩中国—东盟博览会? 辉煌中国—东盟自贸区 A Splendid China-ASEAN Expo, A Brilliant China-ASEAN Free Trade Area 21.搭建博览会大平台? 把握自贸区新机遇 Make the China-ASEAN Expo a Grand Platform, Seize the New Opp


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