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Attributive clauses in writing 1. I will organize some campus activities, like “English Evening”, a platform ________ students can show their English (2013年天津卷) 2. My physics teacher is my role model, _______ influence on me had a lot to do with my decision.(2012安徽卷) 3.But I'd like to attend the English lectures, ______________ I can get more information on British and American culture. (湖南) 4. In the English corner, I meet many friends, ________ share the same interest with me. 5. I’m sorry to hear that you got the lung cancer _________brought you great pain. (重庆) They showed us around the farm. we saw many beautiful flowers on the farm. The elderly always feel lonely. We sent the elderly some fruits, cleaned the rooms and had a good chat with them. I'd like to attend the English lecture. I can get more information on British and American culture from the English lecture. He refused the invitation for the reason. The reason is not clear. I've always longed for the days. I will be able to go out to enjoy the beauty of nature then. 1. Born in a poor family in South Africa, Nelson Mandela, the son of the black people, grew up in a society which the white people looked down upon him, is one of the most famous people in the world. 2. Lang lang, a brilliant pianist, who expressed a keen interest in music at the age of two when he was attracted by a piece of music from cartoon. 3. As a teacher, who often helps those who have difficulty in doing their homework , is kind, helpful and patient. Common mistakes 1. 误用关系词:that\which\where 2. 只有从句,无主句 3. 定语从句的主谓一致问题 4. 从句中多了代词 5.乱用关系词:多用或少用 2016 合肥三模作文 近年,青少年学生的体质问题越来越受到关注,假如你是李华,请你给某学生英语报写一封信,谈谈你的看法并提出建议,倡议同学们积极锻炼,强身健体。建议内容包括: 1. 健身计划的制定 2 校内外结合 3. 运动兴趣的培养 1. make a plan . keep us on the right track./ live a regular life./stick to it. 2. take part in both in and after-class activities. make our school life colorful ./ improve our learning/relax ourselves. 3. develop our interest.


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