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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 1. 对任何希望全面发展的学生来说,参加各种各样的课外活动是很重要的。? (教育话题;难度:★★★★)? 1. It is extremely important and inevitable to engage in various extra-curricular activities for any student who desires to be well-rounded and versatile.? 2. 古埃及文明和金字塔对我非常有吸引力。? (历史话题;难度:★★★)? 2. Ancient Egypt culture and pyramids are greatly interesting and fascinating to me.? 3. 体育锻炼能够帮助一个感到学习或生活压力繁重的人很好的放松。? (生活话题;难度:★★)? 3. Getting exercise can help the person who is particularly stressed about school or life to relax easily.? 4. 手机是一个对人类特别有用的发明。? (科技话题;难度:★★)? 4. An invention that would be exceptionally useful and beneficial for the human race would be the mobile phone.? 5. 以牺牲健康为代价去完成极其枯燥的工作是不值得的。? (工作话题;难度:★★★)? 5. It is not worthwhile to complete the exceedingly tedious and dull work at the sacrifice of your health.? 6. 一个简单有效地方法去了解国外是看新闻或杂志。? (生活话题;难度:★★)? 6. Reading newspapers and magazines is a direct and simple yet magically effective method to learn about foreign countries.? 7. 父母和老师之间的相同之处就在于他们都对孩子的行为,态度,和思维有很大的影响。? (教育话题;难度:★★★)? 7. The similarity between parents and teachers lies in the fact that they both can have a typically great impact upon the behaviors, attitudes, and thoughts of children.? 8. 对快餐采取敌对的态度是没必要的。? (饮食话题;难度:★★★)? 8. It is petty to adopt an excessively hostile attitude toward fast food.? 9. 保护藏羚羊,东北虎,丹顶鹤等濒临灭绝动植物对我们来说是非常紧迫的。? (环境话题; 难度:★★★★)? 9. It is genuinely urgent for us to save Tibetan antelope, Siberian Tiger, Red-crowned crane and other endangered animals and plants.? 10. 这是非常令人满意的,当你得到工作中的成就感以及和同事之间的亲密感。? (工作话题; 难度:★★★★)? 10. It is enormously gratifying and satisfying when you get a feeling of accomplishment from job and a sense of closeness between colleagues.? 11. 教育只有被专门设计来满足每一个学生个人需求和兴趣的时候才是真正有效率的。? (教育话题; 难度:★★)? 11. It will be genuinely effective only when education is specifically designed to cater to the individual needs and interests of each student.? 12. 大学开设更多关于人际关系及交流的课程是必须的,因为社交比死记硬背的知识与学生们更加息息相关。? (教育


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