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专业技术资料分享 WORD文档 下载可编辑 What = the thing that 1. ”…的事(物)” 2. 充当成分 一、表示“……的人”,相当于“the person that...”。如: 1.He is not what he was a few years ago. 他不是几年前的他了。 2.Who is it that has made Fred what he is now?是谁把弗雷德培养成现在这样一个人的? 二、表示“……的地方”,相当于“the place that...”。如: 1.This is what they call Salt Lake City.这就是他们称作盐湖城的地方。 2.What is now the North Sahara Desert was once a civilized world.现在是北部撒哈拉沙漠的地方曾是一个文明世界。 三、表示“……的数目”,相当于“the amount / number that...”。如: 1.Our income is now double what it was ten years ago.我们现在的收入是十年前的两倍。 2.The number of the students in our school has reached as many as 20,000, ten times what it was before liberation.现在我校学生多达2万人,是解放前的十倍。 what的这种特殊含义可以根据句子的意思在翻译时灵活处理,不可千篇一律。再如: 1. Shenzhen is no longer what it was in the past.深圳不再是过去那样子了。(what=the city that) 2. The color of the flower is different from what it was in the morning.花朵的颜色与早晨的不同。(what=the color that) 很明显,文章开头那道高考题的答案what相当于“the time that”,表示“……的时间”。另外,what前面的after为介词,并非连词。巩固练习: 1. She has changed a lot. Shes no longer ________she used to be. A. that B. what C. which D. 不填 2. The tobacco which is used to make cigarettes was first grown in________is now part of the United States. A. which B. that C. all D. what 3. No longer______Tom the man______he used to be. A. will; what B. was; what C. will; that D. is; what 4. What has made China________she is today? A. that B. what C. as D. which 5. The number of the students of the college has reached 8,000,twice ______ it was when the college was opened ten years ago. A. what B. as much C. which D. that Key: 1—5 BDDBA 从一道高考题看what和that引导名词性从句时的差别 阳光校园    1998年全国高考上海英语试题中有这样一道考题:   _____caused the accident is still a complite mystery.   A.What   B.That   C.How    D.Where 该题的正确答案是A。   很显然,本题是为了考查学生是否掌握了what与that的实际含义及引导名词性从句时的用法差异而设 定的。那what和that在引导名词性从句时究竟有怎样的差别呢? 一、what   当what用作连接代词,引导名词性从句时,可引导主语从句、表语从句和宾语从句(不可引导同位语 从句);它本身在从句中充当主语、宾语或表语。   1.w


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