人教版高一必修一unit4 reading 公开课-.ppt

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人教版高一必修一unit4 reading 公开课-

How many nature disasters do you know? tsunami [tsu?‘nɑ?m?] 海啸 typhoon ?[ta?‘fu?n] 台风 Free talk tornado ?[t??‘ne?d??] 龙卷风 [d?‘zɑ?st?] n. 灾害 thunderstorm [θ?nd?st??m] 雷暴雨 flood ?[fl?d] 洪水 snowstorm ?[sn??st??m] 暴风雪 earthquake Roads cracked. ?[kr?k] v.开裂 n .裂缝 Unit 4 A Night The Earth Didnt Sleep 3:00, am; July 28 , 1976 Tangshan, Hebei Studying aims (学习目标) Words and phrases: injure, destroy, bury, rescue, trap, shelter, survivor, in ruins, a great number of , dig out , at an end 了解唐山地震震前、震中和震后情况及唐山军民不畏天灾一道开展震后工作。 了解地震无情,人有情,懂得如何帮助灾民,培养学生拥有一方有难,八方支援的互助友爱精神。 Tangshan after the quakes were in ruins (严重受损). Everything was nearly destroyed in the earthquake [d?‘str??] vt.毁坏 Pre-reading Look and say Many buildings fell down. 倒塌 A great number of people lost their homes. 许多,大量 More than 400,000 people were killed or seriously injured. 严重地 ?[‘?nd??] v. 伤害 Space(空间) Time A B 1. How is the passage developed? In which order (顺序)? Part1 (para1): before the earthquakes Part2 (para 2-3): during the earthquakes Part3(para 4): after the earthquakes While-reading Skimming Skimming part1 before the earthquakes Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. 2.Match a topic sentence with each part. part2 during the earthquakes part3 after the earthquakes It seemed as if the world was at an end! All hope was not lost. (para1) (para 2-3) (para 4) 结束 (line1) (line28) (line9) 仿佛 What happened before the earthquakes? ose racks melly nimals Strange things were happening in Hebei.The water in the village wells r__________ and fell over and over again. The well walls had deep c__________ in them and a s__________ gas came out of them. Some a_______ became nervous. Close-reading (Para 1) What happened before the earthquakes? Close-reading Did the people notice (注意) the strange things? No, they didn’t But th


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