unit 8 smarter transportation 高等院校研究生英语系列教材 综合教程(上)教学-课件.ppt

unit 8 smarter transportation 高等院校研究生英语系列教材 综合教程(上)教学-课件.ppt

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unit 8 smarter transportation 高等院校研究生英语系列教材 综合教程(上)教学-课件

翻译词汇时最忌讳的可以说是一个词对应一个词地“死译”,即不考虑词的深层含义以及词在短语中的含义,而是生搬硬套地逐词翻译,从而曲解了原文。翻译一个词,必须先理解它在上下文中所处的地位及与其他词的搭配关系再进行贴切的翻译。 翻译词汇应注意如下三方面的问题: 1. 一词多义:有时单词在不同的上下文中含义不同,应注意利用上下文加以区别 2. 短语的含义:在一些固定搭配的短语里,词义也会相应地发生变化,应注意积累这一类短语。 3.两种语言的文化背景差异 词汇的翻译 Sometimes, psychographic profiles can be quite detailed. Take the Accord. Honda Motor reports that the car’s owners like to vacuum their garages. You can’t say they’re not clean. 有时候,心理剖析可以非常详细。以“雅阁”为例,本田汽车报告称,“雅阁”汽车的主人喜欢用吸尘器打扫他们的车库。你不能说他们不干净。 点评:在翻译专有名词时,使用其约定俗成的名称。 Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. 2. We also found that sometimes messages sent out by seemingly similar cars can be quite different. Consider two premier British luxury sedans: Bentley’s Arnage and Rolls’ Phantom. Both are stately and fast, but each one attracts a different kind of customer. 我们还发现,有时看上去类似的汽车可能传达了完全不同的信息,比如英国最好的两种豪华轿车:宾利公司的“雅致”和劳斯莱斯公司的“幻影”,两者都是高贵而快捷,但它们却各自吸引了不同类型的客户。 点评:在翻译专有名词时,使用其约定俗成的名称。 3. The Bentley buyer wants an understated heirloom that he or she can pass down through the generations; over 80% of all Bentleys ever made are still on the road today. The Phantom buyer, on the other hand, is looking for instant recognition. The car has a presence that really demands attention wherever it goes. 宾利的买主想要的是低调的、但是可以在几代人之间世代相传的传家宝;有史以来所生产的宾利,80% 以上至今仍跑在路上。然而,“幻影”的买家却期盼一夜成名,该车的外表使得它所到之处无不引人注目。 点评:这里,将 instant recognition译为“一夜成名”,使译文更加简洁。 A Bibliography Focused Writing There are a number of different styles of bibliography often used for different types of text, as follows: * APA: for psychology, education, and other social sciences. * MLA: for literature, arts, and humanities. * AMA: for medicine, health, and biological sciences. * Turabian: designed for college students to use with all subjects. * Chicago: used with all subjects in the “real world” by books, magazines, newspapers, and other non-scholarly publications. Focused Writing —


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