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Good English ONE Walrus jions in So...that+从句 如此...以至于 +表语(adj.adv.) eg:Guilin is so beautiful that we all like it. join in 参加,加入(某些活动) Join jin与take part in 的区别: join in +活动 join +团体(改变身份) take part in +活动 Be (not) good at (doing)...(不)擅长做某事 be good at+ving Be terrible at (doing)...不擅长做某事 do well in+ving eg:Tom is not good at swimming but he is good at running. be filled with 被动语态:be+pp. Be full of eg;The box is filled with chalk. try one’s best (not)to do sth. 尽力(不)做某事 eg:We should try our best to learn English well. as long as... 只要...就.. as...as中间接形容词/副词原级 和...一样 eg:He is as tall as his father. TWO Nosy Neighbours because of 由于...(后面接名词短语) eg:We didn’t go to the park Because+句子 because of+名词 becase of the heavy rain. belong to 属于 belong v. eg:We belong to BaoXian Middle School. With 带有 eg:This is a book with red cover. Get rid of 摆脱,除掉eg:You must get rid of bad harvis. As soon as 一...就...+条件状语 Eg:He reads books as soon as he gets into classroom. see sb. doing sth.看见某人在做某事 7. Much ttoo 表示程度深+adj.adv. So much=too much 表程度 other adj. the other 对象为两个another大于两个对象others单单一个 ..‘s 有生命的所属关系 ...of...无生命的所属关系 THREE Princess pip boring 无聊的,乏味的 eg:This program is boring. board 无聊,乏味 eg:I feel very board. I’m afraid...我恐怕...eg:I’m afraid I’ll fail the exam. 四个花费。 It takes(sb.) some time to do sth.某人花了多少时间做某事 Eg:It takes me 15 minutes to go to school.强调句:do/did+v. start doing sth. start to do sth.开始做某事 Eg:I should start to do my homework as soon as I get home. if you like 如果你愿意 eg:You can sit the front row in class,if you like. Take off脱掉,起飞 eg:He took off his glasses. Why don’t you do sth.=Why not to do sth. Stop doing sth. Stop to do sth. Eg:The two girls stopped talking when they see me. FOUR Oh,Otto! be busy (in) doing sth.忙于做某事 be busy with忙于某事 Eg:Mr.Rice is busy checking the student’s exercise-books. (1)something important不定冠词在形容词之前 没什么困难的事nothing difficult 别的任何人anyone/anybody else Eg:I



