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some There are some students at the door. They want to talk to the new teacher. There must be some reason for her coming late. Exercise: 在下列情境中你会说什么? You feel very tired and it’s quite late. You decide to go to bed. You say: I think I ___________________. (go to bed) 2. –It’s a bit cold in this room --Is it? I ________________________(turn on the heating) 3. –Do you want me to do the washing-up? --No, it’s all right. I ______________.(do) 4. You friend has won some money. You ask: What_________________________? (do with) will go to bed will turn on the heating then. will do it are you going to do with it 5. You’ve decided to do your homework this evening. –Are you going out this evening? --No, ________________________. (do my homework) 6. It’s 8:30. Jack is leaving his house. He has to be at school at 8:45 but they journey takes 30 minutes. He _________________________.(be late) 7. Emma is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long way away. She _________________________.(run out of the petrol) I’m going to do my homework. is going to be late is going to run out of petrol. 8. The phone rings and you answer. Somebody wants to speak to Jim. --Hello, can I speak to Jim, please? --Just a minute. I________________. (go and get) 9. It’s a nice day and you’ve decided to sit in the garden. Before going outside, you tell your friend: The weather is too nice l __________________________(sit) will go and get him am going to sit in the garden. 10. John has to go to the airport to catch a plane tomorrow. John: Ann, I need somebody to take me to the airport tomorrow morning. Ann: That’s no problem. I ___________________. (take) you there. When is the flight? John: 10:50. Ann: OK. We ___________at about 9:00.(leave) Later that day, Joe offers to take John to the airport. Joe: John, do you want me to take you to the airport? John: No, thanks. _____________________. (take) will take


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