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二、肿瘤的防治 (一)治疗原则(1)早期预防,治病求本(2)急则治其标,缓则之气本(3)扶正祛邪(4)调整阴阳(5)因人因时因地制宜 (二)常用治法(1)扶正培本类也称补法,包括益气健脾、补血养血、补肾益精、养阴润燥等治法。其中健脾益肾法是近20多年来肿瘤防治领域最为常见的扶正培本类治法之一。(2)攻邪抑瘤类包括理气活血法、清热解毒法、软坚散结法、化痰祛湿法、以毒攻毒法等治法。 医工的重任 当前“中医外治”思想已逐渐作为广大医务工作者关注的重点之一,“中医外治”存在着巨大的临床意义和社会效益。 对于单个患者,可以通过提高生活质量, 创造更多的社会价值;还可以为国家节省大量的治疗花费,节省大量的医疗资源。 上工该做哪些工作? 谢谢大家! * * * * 化疗:环磷酰胺、卡铂 放疗:电离辐射 * The standard treatments for the management of cancer-related anaemia are transfusions of packed red blood cells and erythropoietic agents. Traditionally, blood transfusions have been used to treat anaemia. Dietary supplementation with vitamins or iron have also been used to improve Hb levels. However, erythropoietic proteins are taking an ever more important role in the prevention and treatment of cancer-related anaemia. Due to the associated immediate relief, blood transfusion is often used in cases of severe and symptomatic anaemia, when Hb levels fall below 8 g/dl.1 Generally, patients with mild-to-moderate anaemia do not receive transfusions.2 1. Estrin JT, Schocket L, Kregenow R, Henry DH. A retrospective review of blood transfusions in cancer patients with anemia. Oncologist 1999; 4: 318–324. Groopman JE, Itri LM. Chemotherapy-induced anemia in adults: incidence and treatment. J Natl Cancer Inst 1999; 91: 1616–1634. * Ludwig H, Rai K, Blade J, Dammacco F, Degos L, Itri L, Kyle R, Liso V, Littlewood TJ, Mandelli F, Meloni G, Molica S, Osterborg A, Pangalis GA, San Miguel J, Schmitt B, Voliotis D. Management of disease-related anemia in patients with multiple myeloma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia: epoetin treatment recommendations. Hematol J 2002; 3: 121–130. Rizzo JD, Lichtin AE, Woolf SH, Seidenfeld J, Bennett CL, Cella D, Djulbegovic B, Goode MJ, Jakubowski AA, Lee SJ, Miller CB, Rarick MU, Regan DH, Browman GP, Gordon MS; American Society of Clinical Oncology. American Society of Hematology. Use of epoetin in patients with cancer: evidence-based clinical practice guidelines of the American S