国际注册护士考试试题解析 - 行知阅读.pdf

国际注册护士考试试题解析 - 行知阅读.pdf

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国际注册护士考试试题解析 - 行知阅读.pdf

NCLEX / CGFNS 国际注册护士考试试题解析 Analyses for RN Nur sing Examination s 主 编:何国平 主 审:李桂源 副 主 编:冯 辉 王红红 编写人员:王红红 邓学良 冯 辉 冷晓红 刘 宇 刘 珊 刘福安 朱诗林 何国平 宋 妍 谷 灿 李亚平 刘 丹 沈波勇 严 谨 吴健珍 张银华 张静平 杨 敏 易巧云 唐四元 娄凤兰 曾 慧 喻 坚 雷 俊 Ana lys e s for RN Nurs ing Examination s P re fa ce In the Unite d State s ,a s in many other are a s of the world ,the population is a dvan- cing in life exp e ctancy and living for many ye ars with chronic illne s s . In other p arts of the glob e the population is thre atene d by infe ctiou s illne s s and ma lnutrition and life ends pre - mature ly . He a lth is a re s ource to s ocia l deve lopment and a con s e quence of the s ame . This fundamenta l and re curs ive re lation ship is one that nurs e s he lp to shap e a ll over the world . The profe s s ion of nurs ing ,and p articularly the worldwide shorta ge of qua lifie d nur- s e s ,ha s b e come the topic of s ocia l convers ation . More than ever ,s ocietie s have re c- ognize d nurs e s a s profe s s iona ls who de liver p ers ona lize d he a lth s ervice s ,in the hospita l and b eyond its wa lls . Nurs e s and nurs ing s ervice s have b e en re cognize d a s a commodi- ty and a product for export . Working the ir way around the world ,the nurs ing workforce ha s e arne d income iate l s ent home in support familie s . The shorta ge ha s fue le d the phe - nomenon of the internationa l migration of nurs ing . The migration and the glob a lization of he a lth problem s have incre a s e d



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