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Life at Harvard University;2 However, when the remaining admissions decisions came out, words can’t begin to describe the excitement I felt when I learned that I was also accepted to Harvard University.?Thus, I faced one of the toughest;3 I decided to visit both campuses before making my final decision, and to my surprise, fell in love with Harvard.?I had been so set on becoming a Cardinal that I hadn’t given serious thought to the possibility of going somewhere else.?As soon as I set foot in Harvard, everything felt right. The campus, the classes, the people, all made me realize there was no place else I wanted to spend the next four years.;4 After I enrolled at Harvard, I was eager to start the next phase of my life, but anxious at the thought of being across the country so far from home.?Saying my goodbyes to my family and friends made me fully aware of my newfound;5 One semester later, I have to say that I had made the best decision of my life. I have found my home, and I have become part of the Harvard community in so many different ways.;7 Classes often consist of lectures by professors together with smaller sections taught by graduate students, and supplemental student study groups. Collaboration in study groups is a huge part of surviving Harvard’s tough academic load. If I ever felt overloaded, I only;8 This past December brought long, comprehensive exams that make up finals period, but Harvard’s reading period, a dead week with no classes, was certainly a nice change from high school.? There was even a Primal Scream to kick off finals week, with hundreds of stark-naked Harvard students running around the Yard at midnight in a time-old tradition.;9 Outside class, I’m part of Harvard’s Crimson Dance Team?(CDT).?CDT has the perfect blend of dance and spirit.?Having danced competitively in the past, I was looking to renew my passion and was thrilled to discover that CDT would compete at nationals in Disney World this January.;10 As Seni


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