常见的新编实用英语综合教程3 Unit4 Training Across Cultures.ppt

常见的新编实用英语综合教程3 Unit4 Training Across Cultures.ppt

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常见的新编实用英语综合教程3 Unit4 Training Across Cultures

Contents 1) From Para. 1 we can infer that __________. a. we are living in a globalised world b. the world is a small village c. the world population declines sharply d. the world is culturally diversified 2) In an individualist culture, employees’ value is measured mainly by __________. a. their personal accomplishments b. their respect to other colleagues c. what they have done in a team project d. whether they are loyal to their colleagues 3) Our former experiences may mislead us in interacting with people, because ______. a. stereotyping is still the decisive factor in personal communication b. people develop different values based on a diverse number of factors c. we expect that people will finally hold the same values d. people all over the world like to share their cultural values 4) According to the passage, some people don’t like to learn English because they think English is __________. a. full of jargon words c. hard to spell correctly b. spoken very slowly d. grammatically complex 5) What is the purpose of this passage? a. To explain the significance of culture differences. b. To describe the differences in cultural communication. c. To raise awareness that people in different cultures do things differently. d. To give suggestions on conducting successful cross-cultural communication. 1) The first sentence of the passage means __________. a. we’ll have no more work to do b. we’ll have too much work to do c. the present working world is changing d. the world provides too few jobs 2) By “self-made millionaire,” the writer means that in the old days one could get rich by__________. a. making inventions b. working very hard c. working independently d. having good luck 3) This passage advocates the promotion of __________. a. continuing educa


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