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Lead-in The story of “Sandwich” 三明治的发明,据说与13世纪一个英国伯爵有关。在英格兰东南部一个名叫Sandwich的小镇上,住着一位名叫约翰·蒙塔古的Sandwich伯爵。伯爵嗜赌,往往于桥牌桌上赌得废寝忘食,为了服侍他的饮食,他的跟班们便经常把火腿、蛋、菜夹在两片面包里,让伯爵拿在手上边赌边吃。三明治因而得名,英伦朝野广为效尤,继而冲出欧洲,扬名天下。? Listening! Listen and fill in the blanks. Listen and write T or F. 2. Don’t watch too much TV. 祈使句表请求、命令、叮嘱、邀请、劝告等。祈使句最常用于表达命令,因此也常称为命令句。 否定句直接在动词前加 don’t 。 Sit down. 坐下。 Don’t sit down. 别坐下。 Key sentences 1. Your dad and I are away for three days. be away for … 2. Eat good food and get enough rest. 3. Don’t watch too much TV. watch TV; too much/too many 4. You can make a sandwich or you can order takeout. 5. Here are some tips for you. 6. TV is short for television. be short for … Lesson 24 Eat Good Food! es sandwich sandwiches takeout sandwich takeout tip only P.S. away n. 三明治 n. 外卖食品 n. 提点;建议 adv. 仅仅;只 n. 附言;又及 adv. 离开 uesful words eat good food get enough rest be away order takeout some tips every day make a sandwich watch too much TV be short for 1.吃好的食物 2. 得到足够的休息 3.离开 4.叫外卖 5.一些提示 6.每天 7.做三明治 8. 看太多的电视 9. 是…的简称 useful phrases What is good food? Good: Bad: rice porridge noodles hot dog pizza French fries cereal bread hamburger cookies Too much fat is bad for your health. 太多的脂肪对你的健康有害。 French fries cereal bread hamburger cookie rice porridge noodles hot dog pizza It has much fat. So you will be fat. Fruit is good for your health. apple orange strawberry watermelon banana An apple a day keeps the doctor away You can eat a/an...a day/every day. Its good for your health. Good or Bad? orange juice coffee coke milk water bubble tea shake We cant live without water. Your dad and I are away for three days. 你父亲和我要离开三天。 be away for +一段时间 他离开了一个星期 。 He is away for a week. be far away from 远离…… Jim is far away from his hometown. 吉姆远离他的家乡。 too much , too many “太多的……”, 后常跟名词,只不过 too much + 不可数名词 too many + 可数名词复数 比如 too much money 太多的钱 too many apples 太多的苹果 TV fridge P.S



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