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YEAR-END SUMMARY You can add your content here. A brief introduction to what tend to be in your report. OUR TEAM CONTENTS TRAINING LEARNING LEADERSHIP 点击此处添加标题 标题数字等都可以通过点击和重新输入进行更改,顶部“开始”面板中可以对字体、字号、颜色、行距等进行修改。建议正文12号字,1.3倍字间距。 COMMUNICATION OUR TEAM PROFIT MODEL 盈利模式为产品内收费为准,主要手段有广告位出租、付费下载、会员充值,增值服务,另有租借资质、佣金收取等盈利来源。 ANALYSIS 标题数字等都可以通过点击和重新输入进行更改,顶部“开始”面板中可以对字体、字号、颜色、行距等进行修改。建议正文12号字,1.3倍字间距。 点击此处添加标题 COMMUNICATION ACTION PLAN April Project Kick-off and annual budget start-line July Organization development of the new branch May Organizational Performance Review June HRIS introduction Public platform building COMMUNICATION INTERNAL TRAINING INTERNAL TRAINING INTERNAL TRAINING 21 interns are hired into 5 different departments: HR, Sales, Logistics, Finance, Engineering, Design and Development. INTERNSHIP The target of 2015 is 2.7 billion each quarter. It’s very clear that only Q2 completed the task. Q3 and Q4 are expected data according to the pre-order. This trend is affected by the weak USD. Year-end bonus will be aligned with yearly sales. PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATION LEARNING SYSTEM Learning System Course System Instructor Database Evaluation Database Training Paper Files A system which will cover all database and delete all paper work. Control and response to all training requirements in the department. Follow up all training projects and track the completion. Analyze all team members regularly and propose the training or coaching plan. Attend all compulsory training courses and select optional courses according to the quarterly performance. LEARNING SYSTEM LEARNING SYSTEM LEARNING SYSTEM TALENT MANAGEMENT VCS Visual Control Standard CPC Central Process Control BEF Beave Elite Forum High potential talents will be covered in all three programs. Undergraduate interns are the most preferred people. LEADERSHIP 双11 天猫大促 聚划算 海外购 周年庆 …… 母婴专场 品牌团 钻展 直通车 COMMUNICATION SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT ANALYSIS 分销商类型 商家要求 合作要求 招商方式 月度进货量 预计招商 VIP分销商(A类) 海外专营店+母婴类目全球购TOP卖家 配合品



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