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管理资源吧(),提供海量管理资料免费下载! Chinese Perspective on Health Safety in Factories 从中国观点看工厂的健康与安全 ETI China Conference Guangzhou May 11, 2004 Pentland Group Wei Dong Zhou Pentland集团商务标准部 东南亚代表 周卫东先生发言 Group Sourcing principle 集团的采购政策 Our approach is to do business with suppliers who adopt and compliance with our business standards or 只与采纳和实施本集团商务标准的供货商 Their policies commit with similar standards and 或其政策体现出相同标准的供货商发展业务,并: Comply with local laws and regulations 自觉遵守当地的法律法规; Comply with international conventions and rules 遵守国际公约和国际惯例; Identify and promote good practice on Corporate Social Responsibility 探索和推广企业社会责任的良好实践。 Business Code of Conduct 集团供货商应遵守的商务标准守则 Living wages to be paid 确保最低工资 Working hours to be not excessive 禁止超长时间工作 Working conditions to be safe and hygienic 提供安全卫生的工作環境 Child labour not to be used 禁止使用童工 No forced labour 禁止强迫劳动 No discrimination 遵守不歧視原則 No harsh or inhuman treatment 禁止残酷的或非人道的待遇 Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining 尊重自由结社和集体谈判的权利 Regular employment to be provided 提供稳定的就业机会 Health and Safety Problems in Chinese Factory 中国工厂的安全卫生管理问题 Management System Issue 工厂管理的问题 Workers Issue 工人的问题 Owner Issue 老板的问题 Workers Issue 工人的问题 Lack of safety and hygiene knowledge, insufficient training before taking up the post. 安全卫生知识缺乏,岗前培训不足 Unsafe operation as a result of piecework-based salary 计件工资制导致不按安全操作规范作业 High turnover rate of the immigrant labour 外来农民工多,流动性强 Poor communication with managers and supervisors 与主管、班组长沟通技巧差 Most workers lack the confidence to protect their own right 多数工人缺乏维权自信心 Managers Issue 老板的问题 Managers do not care management – ignorance and meanness 老板不愿管理 - 视而不见,一毛不拔 A few managers do not want to invest in health and safety 少数工厂老板不愿投资健康安全 Disregard the health and safety problem until accidence happen 放任工厂健康安全问题,出了事再说 “Rather pay for the coffin than the medicine” 宁愿花钱买棺材,也不愿花钱买药 Managers Issue 老板的问题 Managers do not understand management – employing indigenous methods 老板不懂管理 -“土法上马,偏方治理”


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