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Compensating Wage Differentials;1. Workers’ and Firms’ Choice with Risky Jobs;* The compensating wage differential serves two purposes:;→ Compensating wage differentials provide the key to the valuation of the nonpecuniary aspects of employment. Note: The predicted outcome of the compensating wage differential theory of job choice is not that employees working under “bad” conditions receive more than those working in “good” conditions. The prediction is that, holding worker characteristics constant, employees in bad jobs receive higher wages than those working under more pleasant conditions.;* The compensating wage differential theory is based on three assumptions:;2. Worker Information Workers are aware of the job characteristics of potential importance to them. → Company offering a “bad” job with no compensating wage differential would have trouble recruiting or retaining workers, trouble that would eventually force it to raise its wage. Note: Our predictions about compensating wage differentials hold only for job characteristics that workers know about. 3. Workers Mobility Workers have a range of job offers from which to choose. It is the act of choosing safe jobs over dangerous ones that forces employers offering dangerous work to raise wages. ;(1) Employee Considerations;W;(2) Employer Considerations; Forces on the employer side of the market tent to cause low risk to be associated with low wages and high risk to be associated with high wages, holding other things constant. →The employer trade-offs between wages and levels of injury risk can be graphed through the use of isoprofit curves , which show the various combinations of risk and wage level that yield a given level of profits.;W;W; (3) The Matching of Employer and Employees;Since X can produce safety more cheaply than Y, X will be a low-risk producer who attracts employees, like A, who value safety highly. Y attracts people like B, who have a relatively strong preference f


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