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Chengde Imperial Summer Resort Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde City, Hebei Province. Chengde Imperial Palace, also known as the Rehe Palace, Chengde Summer Palace. It was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1994. Chengde Imperial Summer Resort Chengde Imperial Summer Resort It is the largest royal garden in China. The area it takes is about eight the Beihai Park. It is twice the area of the Summer Palace( 颐和园). It took about 87 years to build the palace we see today. In the same year it was built , Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫)and St.Peterburg(圣彼得堡)were set up in western. Chengde Imperial Summer Resort The Imperial Summer Villa can be divided into two sections: a palace section and a garden section. Palace Section : The palace section is where Qing emperors would dispose of state affairs and live in. Garden Section: The garden section can be further divided into a lake section, plains section, and mountain section. 山庄分宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,其中苑景区又分湖区、平原区和山区。 Chengde Imperial Summer Resort What is characteristic of the Chinese garden is that delicate and exquisite pavilions, terraces, Buildings, waterside pavilions, hills, Bridges, waters and trees are all arranged in this royal palace. 中国园林的特点,娇小玲珑的亭、台、楼、榭、山、桥、水、林,集中于这个皇家园林之中。 72 Scenic Spots 承德避暑山庄实地图 Chengde Imperial Summer Resort Danbojingcheng 澹泊敬诚 The emperors handled state affairs in it. Emperor Kangxi named it , and the name is briefed from the sentence of “非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远 ” which was said by Zhuge Liang. Behind Danbojingcheng Hall(澹泊敬诚), there stand five halls : Yanbozhishuang Hall(烟波致爽) Sizhishuwu(四知书屋) Wanhesongfeng(万壑松风) Yunshanshengde(云山胜地) Songhezhai(松鹤斋) Yanbozhishuang 烟波致爽 Sizhishuwu 四知书屋 Wanhesongfeng 万壑松风 Wanhesongfeng 万壑松风 Wanhesongfeng, which stands by the lakeside, encircled by pine trees, and was used as an imperial study, and Songhezhai(松鹤斋), which housed the emperor’s mother as well as his concubines(妃嫔). Chengde Imperial Summer Resort Lake


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