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If you cool water, it turns into ice. ① ② 1. If you heat metal, it melts. 如果把金属加热,它就会融化。 2.Water turns into ice if you cool it. 如果你冷却水,它就会变成冰。 Actions with definite results 读下列例句,试着自己总结if 的用法: 1. If you heat metal, it melts. 如果把金属加热,它就会融化。 2.Water turns into ice if you cool it. 如果你冷却水,它就会变成冰。 3.If you stand in the rain, you get wet. 如果你站在雨里,就会淋湿。 4.If you drop a glass, it breaks. 如果你把玻璃杯掉在地上,它就会碎。 由例句我们可以知道: 如果if引导的条件句谈论的是一种____________ 时,主句谓语动词便不用shall/will+动词原形,而直接用_______时的动词形式。 Actions with possible results 读下列例句,总结if 的用法: 1.If he runs, he’ll get there in time. 如果他跑步去,就会及时赶到那。 2.He will help you if you ask him. 如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。 3.If you fail in the exam, you will let him down. 如果你考试失败了,你会让他失望的 4.If you get up late, you will be late for school. 如果你起床晚了,上课就会迟到。 由例句我们可以知道: 在if 引导的条件状语从句中,如果从句谈论的是一个有可能发生的事实以其产生的相关结果,从句用_____________, 主句用_______________. P105 B William has five problems Give him some advice from column A and B 1 I sometimes forget to take the right book to school. If you check your timetable every night , you’ll know which books to take. 一、判断正误,如果有误,请更正 1. If you will do more exercise this summer, you will be very fit. 2. The candle burns , if you light it. 3. I will build many schools for the poor children if I win a billion dollars. 4. If you freeze water, it will turn into ice. 5. My uncle visits the museum if he will have time. If 的两个意思: If: ( ) 11. If it ______ sunny tomorrow, I ____ boating. A. is go B. will be, go C. is, will go D. will be, will go ( ) 12. -- what will you do if it ______ tomorrow, --I’ll stay at home and watch TV. A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. is raining ( ) 13. If he ______, I ______ him the time. A. comes, tell B. will come, will tell C. comes, will tell D. will come, tell ( ) 14. If it ______, it ______cold. A. snows, will be B. snows, is C.


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