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Why Nothing Works by Blanca Why Nothing Works MurphyIf anything can go wrong , it will. 墨菲定律:认为凡有可能出差错的事终将出差错. Why Nothing Works attribute to 英 [??tr?bju:t] 美 [??tr?bjut] savant 英 [?s?v?nt] 美 [s??vɑ:nt] corollary 英 [k??r?l?ri] 美 [?k?:r?leri] shoddy 英 [???di] 美 [??ɑ:di] forestall 英 [f?:?st?:l] 美 [f?:r?st?:l] do the trick 英 [tr?k] 美 [tr?k] seaworthiness [si,w?e?n?s] evoke 英 [??v??k] 美 [??vo?k] fashion英 [?f??n] 美 [?f???n] alienation from 英 [?e?l??ne??n] 美 [?elj??ne??n, ?eli?-] According to a law attributed to the savant known only as Murphy ,If anything can go wrong , it will. attribute v. (being the result of / coming from ) 1.把…归因于,认为…是由于 ~ sth to sth Women tend to attribute their success to external causes such as luck. 女性倾向于将她们的成功归因于外部因素,比如运气。 People were beginning to attribute superhuman qualities to him. 人们开始觉得他超人一等。 2.认为是......所为 ~ sth (to sb) This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare. 这个剧本通常认为是莎士比亚作的。 According to a law attributed to the savant known only as Murphy ,If anything can go wrong , it will. attribute n. (a quality or feature of sb /sth) 属性、性质、特征 Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher. 耐心是教师最重要的品质之一。 attributive adj. attributive clauses 定语从句 同义词 attribute, ascribe 这两个动词均有“把……归于”之意。 attribute:出于相信而把……归于某人或某物,含较多的客观性。 ascribe:根据推论或猜想把……归于某人或某物,含主观臆断. According to a law attributed to the savant known only as Murphy ,If anything can go wrong , it will. savant n.(a person having great knowledge of some subject) 1.博学之士,学者,专家 A savant is revealed,who has created new forms for old symbols that have lost their meaning. 一位学者出现了,为那些已丧失它们意义的旧符号创造了新的表现形式。 2.独通一行的人,独开一窍的人,天才型弱智者 According to a law attributed to the savant known only as Murphy , If anything can go wrong , it will. 根据著名学者提出的墨菲定律,“如果事情出错,那么它就一定会出错。” Corollaries to Murphys Law suggest themselves as clues to the shoddy goods problem. shoddy adj.(of poor quality or badly made) 劣质的;假冒的;卑劣的 rubber s


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