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The general description一般概述 The bones of trunk 躯干骨 The skull 颅骨 The bones of limbs 肢骨→ homework §1 The general description Proper shape 一定的形态 Hard and resilient坚硬且具弹性 Abundant in blood and nerve supply富含血管和神经 Metabolism and growth 新陈代谢和生长 Repairing 修复 Regeneration 再生 Reconstruction 再造 儿童的骶骨有5块,成人后合为1块。 儿童的尾骨有4~5块,成人后合为1块。 儿童有2块髂骨、2块坐骨和2块耻骨,到成人就合并成为2块髋骨。 这样儿童的骨头要比成人多 11~12块, 就是说有206+11(或12)=217~218块。 而初生婴儿的骨头竟多达305块。 long bone short bone flate bone irregular bone 骨类型 The structure of bones Compact bone(骨密质) Cancellous bone(骨松质) 骨质结构示意图 骨质结构示意图 In the flat bones of the skull, the layers of compact bone are called the outer plate (外板) and inner plate (内板), while the layer of spongy bone is called the diplo? (板障)。 Red bone marrow 红骨髓 Yellow bone marrow 黄骨髓 有机质 无机质 The axial skeleton 中轴骨骼 The appendicular skeleton 附肢骨骼 The visceral skeleton 内脏骨骼 Made up of the bones along the midline (axis) of the body, including the skull (颅骨), hyoid bone(舌骨) , spinal column, ribs and sternum (胸骨). The visceral bones are formed in soft organs. They are not present in all species of animals. The general components 躯干骨的一般组成 The vertebrae 脊椎骨 The ribs 肋 The sternum 胸骨 Cervical vertebrae 颈椎 Thoracic vertebrae 胸椎 Lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 Sacrum 骶椎 Coccyx 尾椎 The foramen is nearly triangular and is relatively large and roomy. 寰椎Atlas 枢椎Axis 寰椎和枢椎相关节示意图 The body in heart-shaped. The body in kidney-shaped (肾形). Made up of 5 fused vertebrae. Made up of 4 coccygeal(尾椎的) vertebrae. The ribs may be classified into following types: Jugular notch 胸骨上切迹 Clavicular notch 锁骨切迹 The general features of the skull 颅骨的一般特征 The bones of the cerebral cranium 脑颅骨 The bones of the facial cranium 面颅骨 The general characters of the skull at birth Totally there are 23 the skull bones which may be divided into 2 parts: 额骨 Frontal bone 位於兩眶之間,額骨的下方,被其他骨骼包圍著,無法直接看到。 是含气骨。参与构成鼻中隔。 Sphenoid bone 蝶骨 形如蝴蝶,位于前方的额骨、筛骨和后方的颞骨、枕骨之间,横向伸展于颅底部。连接脑颅与面颅。蝶骨分为体、小翼、大翼和翼突四个部分。


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