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请写出下列词的两种adj.形式: interest tire amaze disappoint relax puzzle bore surprise embarrass frighten excite satisfy v.动词 → -ing 形容词 → -ed 形容词 interest → interesting → interested amaze → amazing → amazed relax → relaxing → relaxed bore → boring → bored embarrass→ embarrassing → embarrassed excite → exciting → excited tire → tiring → tired disappoint → disappointing→ disappointed puzzle → puzzling → puzzled surprise → surprising → surprised frighten → frightening → frightened satisfy → satisfying → satisfied 知识归纳: -ing形容词: 用来说明 _____ 的特征, 性质。 译做:_______ -ed形容词: 用来说明______所处的心理状态。 译做:______ 即时练习 1. If we are ____________ about introducing ourselves, someday we’ll be in an (尴尬) ___________situation. 3. The news that he lost the match____________us .we’re_____________to find the result is______________.(失望) 拓展延伸: Translation: Tom 是一个有趣的男孩儿。 这个男孩的确令人失望。他总是在课堂上捣乱。 听到这一消息,他脸上露出惊讶的表情。 小结: 1.-ing形容词:用来说明 _____ 的特征, 性质。译做:_______ -ed形容词:用来说明______所处的心理状态。译做:______ 2.look,face,expression,voice...(表情、声音等),用_______形式修饰。 拓展练习: 1.His lecture isn’t ________.On the contrary , it’s interesting and I don’t feel ________ at all. I think it will not _________ others, either.(枯燥) 2.从他失望的表情可以判断,我确信他考试不及格。(从…判断 judging by/from…) 3. The students looked at me with a (困惑)_______expression.Maybe they are ________. 22. 考点:frightening frightened -ing形容词: 用来说明 _____ 的特征, 性质。 译做:_______ -ed形容词: 用来说明______所处的心理状态。 译做:______ 巩固练习: 1.His lecture isn’t ________.On the contrary , it’s interesting and I don’t feel ________ at all. (枯燥 bore) 2. The students looked at me with a (困惑puzzle)_______expression.Maybe they are ________. 拓展延伸: Translation: 听到这一消息,他脸上露出惊讶的表情。 他那吓人的表情吓坏了那个孩子。 2. amazing / amazed 拓展——思考: 下列短语哪个正确? a frightening voice a fr


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