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精品 浅议我国企业财务风险管理及防范对策 [摘 要]随着我国社会主义经济的快速发展,以及我国经济制度的不断完善,我国现有企业已逐步进入发展阶段,但仍面临各种各样的风险,其中财务风险已成为大多数企业的核心问题.财务风险贯穿于企业生产经营过程的始终,与企业的生存和发展密切相关,关注财务风险已经成为当今财务研究的重要方向。企业财务风险是企业生产经营过程中,由于各种难以预测的内部因素和外部环境的影响而给企业带来了潜在的威胁性。为了保障经营者正常生产经营,确保经营目标的实现就要进行合理的财务风险管理,恰当避免和减少风险带来的损失。通过对财务风险的特征与成因的分析,提出相应的对策规避风险。 [关键词]财务风险 风险成因 防范对策 Abstract: Along with our country socialist market economy, and the rapid development of our economic system in China, the continuous improvement of the existing enterprises have gradually into a stage of stable development, but still face a variety of business risks, including financial risk is one of the biggest risk. Financial risk throughout the production and operation of enterprises process throughout, with the survival and development of enterprise, attention closely related financial risk has become the most important financial research direction. Enterprise financial risk is enterprise production and management process, because all sorts of unpredictable internal and external factors that influences the financial stability to bring a potential threat. In order to guarantee the normal production and business operators to ensure the realization of the target management is about to undertake reasonable financial risk managemengt, appropriate to avoid and reduce risk the damage. Based on the characteristic of the financial risks of enterprise with the analysis of the causes, and put forward the corresponding reasonable avoid risk . Keywords: Financial risk; causes of risk; Prevention Countermeasures 目录 1. 财务风险的概念及基本特征 1.1财务风险的概念 1.2财务风险的基本特征 1.2.1 客观性 1.2.2 全面性 1.2.3 不确定性 1.2.4 收益与损失共存性 1.2.5 激励性 2. 企业财务风险表现及其成因 2.1 财务风险的具体表现 2.1.1 企业资金结构不合理,负债资金比例过高 2.1.2 投资决策失误,导致大量投资失败 2.1.3 企业赊销比重大,应收账款缺乏控制 2.1.4 企业存货库存结构不合理,存货周转率不高 2.2 财务风险的成因 2.2.1 内部原因 2.2.2 外部原因 3. 企业财务风险的防范对策 3.1 树立风险意识,建立有效的风险防范处理机制 3.2 建立财务风险识别预警系统 3.2.1 财务风险的识别 3.2.2



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