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河南师范大学第二专业毕业论文(设计) 1 河 南 师 范 大 学 河 南 师 范 大 学 第二专业毕业论文 学号: 0810114010 试论《三国演义》中作者的悲剧情结 学院名称: 教育科学学院 第二专业: 汉语言文学 主修专业: 公共事业管理 年级班别: 2008级公管1班 姓 名: 指导老师: 2011年4月 试论《三国演义》中作者的悲剧情结 摘 要 《三国演义》是中国古典小说艺术上的一座高峰。而善于组织故事情节,特别是对重大的历史事件,宏大的斗争场面,作者的安排、布局从容有序,曲折多变,惊心动魄,引人入胜,成为其最突出特色。《三国演义》在人物刻画方面,已经初步注意到多角度、多层次地刻画性格,从而使人物血肉饱满,有声有色。三国中谋士武将多如繁星,魏蜀吴三家各拥有自己的智囊团,在各个智囊团中每个人物都有他独特的一面和令人佩服的智谋、神勇。然而,就是这些不可多的的人才中也有着令人扼腕的不公。但是不管是作者描写的刘蜀王朝曹魏王朝,还是吴王朝。他刻画的一些经典的人物形象中都多多少少的包含着悲剧情怀。不管他们是否风度翩翩、身居要职、身怀绝技、智勇双全,还是成就惊天动地的大业,流芳千古的美名。这些人身上及其结局都带有作者的悲剧情节。 关键词:悲情人物 陪衬 思考 On the Three Kingdoms Tragic Complex Abstract Three Kingdoms is a classic novel artistic peak. And good at organizing the story, especially for major historical events, scenes of great struggle, of the arrangement, layout calm, orderly and varied twists and turns, thrilling, fascinating, as its most prominent features. Three Kingdoms in the characterization, it has already noted the initial multi-angle, multi-layered portrait of character, so that the full flesh and blood characters, sound and color. Three generals are like the stars in the counselors, three of the Wei, Shu and Wu have their own think tanks, in various think tanks in each character has his unique and admirable aspect of resourcefulness, brave. However, that is, not many of these people also have a very distraught injustice. But neither description of the Wei Dynasty, Liu Shu dynasty, or the Wu dynasty. He characterized some of the classic characters in the tragedy are more or less contains feelings. Whether or not they handsome, in positions, great talent, wise and brave, or achievements of the great cause of earth-shattering, Liufangqiangu reputation. All these people and ending with the tragedy of the plot. Key words: Thin


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