2017-2018学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册课件:Unit6 Integrated Skills.ppt

2017-2018学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册课件:Unit6 Integrated Skills.ppt

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Kekexili Wolong Tianmushan Yancheng Zhalong Yancheng Nature Reserve red-crowned cranes n. 丹顶鹤 binoculars We need a pair of binoculars. They can help us see clearly. n. [复]望远镜 Daniel found a quiz about the wetlands in Jiangsu Province on the website of the Birdwatching Society. Read the quiz below and help him choose the correct answer to each question. Task 1 A1 1 Yancheng Nature Reserve is in ___ Province in ___ China. a Heilongjiang, North-east b Hainan, South c Jiangsu, East 2 Yancheng Nature Reserve is a perfect place to ____. a buy the birds b hunt the birds c watch the birds c c 3 The reserve covers an area of over ____ square kilometres. a 453 b 4,530 c 45,300 4 Yancheng is the ___ home to red-crowned cranes in China. a largest b second largest c third largest b b 5 About ___ red-crowned cranes fly to Yancheng Nature Reserve every year to spend the winter. a 100 to 300 b 300 to 1,000 c 1,000 to 3,000 6 In ____, Yancheng Nature Reserve became one of the world’s most important wetlands. a 1997 b 2002 c 1992 b b cover n. 封面,盖子 cover n. 庇护所 e.g. 湿地为野生生物提供庇护所。 The wetlands provide cover for wildlife. 把你的名字写在书的封面上。 Write your name on the cover of your book. cover v. 覆盖,包括 我们学校占地面积为3000平方米。 Our school covers an area of 3000 square metres. It covers an areas of over 4,530 square kilometres. covers an areas of =be + 面积 + in area It covers an areas of over 4,530 square kilometres. It is over 4,530 square kilometres in area. = red-crowned cranes:丹顶鹤 spend the winter:过冬 The Class 1, Grade 8 students are now listening to the first part of a radio programme. Check whether you chose the correct answers in Part A1. Task 2 A2 Daniel is writing a report on Yancheng Nature Reserve. Listen to the


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