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l l 摘 要 江苏是中国纺织服装重要的生产和出口基地。2011年全省纺织服装业主营业务收入10400亿元,在全国率先突破万亿元大关,约占全国总数的四分之一。在当前的新国际贸易形势下,各进口国已经在国际贸易中针对我国设置了不同类别市场的准入规则,并成为新的国际贸易保护主义的工具,严重影响了江苏省乃至HYPERLINK /china/中国纺织品出口贸易的HYPERLINK /fazhan/发展。本文通过分析贸易数据了解当前江苏省纺织业的出口现状,再由现状分析指出江苏纺织业存在的不足,又从整个国际贸易大环境的视角来看江苏省纺织业出口面临的消极影响和严峻挑战。最后从政府、行业、企业三大主体角度分别指出应对不利因素、实现自我提升和进步的对策。 关键词:出口纺织品;贸易壁垒;低碳经济;技术创新 Enterprises Countermeasures of Jiangsu Export Textile Abstract: Jiangsu is Chinas textile and garment important production and export base.In 2011 the provinces textile and garment main business income arrived 1040 billion yuan,firstly breaking through trillion yuan mark, holding about1/4 of the total national sum.In the current international situation,the importers have set up different types of market access rules in the international trade within China,and it has become a new international trade protection tool,seriously affecting the textile export trade development of Jiangsu province and even China.Through the analysing of trade data,this article understands the current situation of Jiangsus industry of textile export,then points out the deficiencies that by analysing the current situation,then looks into the facing negative effect and grim challenge of Jiangsus Textile export from the view of the whole international trade environment,at last points out the countermeasures of coping with the adverse factors, to achieve self-improvement and advances from government, industry, enterprise the three big main body angle. Keywords: The export of textiles;Trade barrier;Low carbon economy;Technological innovationTOC \o 1-2 \h \u 目录 HYPERLINK \l _Toc295476862 1引言 PAGEREF _Toc295476862 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc295476863 1.1问题的提出 PAGEREF _Toc295476863 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc295476864 1.2国内外研究现状 PAGEREF _Toc295476864 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc295476865 1.3研究内容与结构 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc295476866 1.4研究思路及方法 PAGEREF _Toc295476866 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc295476867 2江苏纺织业出口贸易现状分析 6 HYPERLINK \l _Toc295476868 2.1江苏纺织业分布格局 6 HY


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