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English Words Learning and Memorizing知识讲稿.ppt
English Words Learning and Memorizing ;II. Read the following words.
monument [ 5mCnjumEnt ]n.纪念碑 A structure, such as a building or sculpture, erected as a memorial.
commemorate [ kE5memEreit ]vt.纪念To honor the memory of with a ceremony.
huddled [ 5hQdl ]v.拥挤, 卷缩, 草率从事, 挤作一团n.杂乱的一堆, 拥挤To crowd together, as from cold or fear.
censure [ 5senFE ]v.责难n.责难 To make sure or certain; insure:
punishment [ 5pQniFmEnt ]n.惩罚, 处罚, 惩处The act or an instance of punishing.
;vaccine [ 5vAksi:n ]adj.疫苗的, 牛痘的n.疫苗A vaccine prepared from the cowpox virus and inoculated against smallpox.
eradicate [ i5rAdikeit ]v.根除 To get rid of as if by tearing up by the roots:
barbarian[ bB:5bZEriEn ]n.粗鲁无礼的人, 野蛮人adj.野蛮的, 粗鲁的A fierce, brutal, or cruel person.
defile[ di5fail ]v.染污n.隘路 To make filthy or dirty; pollute:
pregnant [ 5pre^nEnt ]adj.怀孕的, 重要的, 富有意义的, 孕育的 Carrying developing offspring within the body.
; abdomen. [ 5AbdEmEn; Ab5dEumEn ]n.腹, 腹部 belly
bereft [bI5reft]adj.被剥夺的, 失去亲人的, 丧失的 Deprived of something:
bereave[ bi5ri:v ]vt.剥夺, 使失去 To take (something valuable or necessary), typically by force.
consecrate[5kCnsikreit] vt.用作祭祀, 献给, 使神圣adj.被献给神的, 神圣的 To declare or set apart as sacred:
evoke[ i5vEuk ]vt.唤起, 引起, 博得 To summon or call forth:
; hearty [ 5hB:ti ]adj.衷心的, 亲切的, 精神饱满的, 丰盛的, 强烈的sincere
groove[ ^ru:v ]n.(唱片等的) 凹槽, 惯例, 最佳状态vt.开槽于 A long, narrow channel.
muddy[ 5mQdi ]adj.多泥的, 泥泞的Full of or covered with mud.
dirt [ dE:t ]n.污垢, 泥土Earth or soil.
jolt[ dVEult ]v.摇晃n.摇晃 To cause to move jerkily.
;;; IV. Filling the blanks with the new words.
1.Censure is sometimes harder to bear than .
2. Bowing to greet a lady is now
an custom.
3.The lost hikers were of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.
4. Wheels left in a muddy dirt road.
5.?The defiled the church by using it as a stable.
;6. The new vaccine all traces of the disease within three months.
7. The children were by the death o
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