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PAGE 西安翻译学院 XI’AN FANYI UNIVERSITY 本科毕业设计(论文) Dissertation for Bachelor’s Degree 题 目:Java精品课程网站设计与实现 学生姓名: 指导教师: 高级工程师 学科专业: 软件工程 2012年5月 Java精品课程网站设计与实现 贾 敏 摘 要:在21世纪这个信息高度发达、高速流通的时代,计算机的普及以及计算机网络的广泛应用,让普通人能够接触到比以往更多的知识。面对信息时代的信息大“爆炸”现象,怎样才能使教育跟上时代的步伐,而不至于被时代抛在后面?很多专家一直都在思考这个问题“如何把教育资源移置到网络上去,使更多的人可以享有这些资源”。作为一个以传播知识为主要职能的机构,学校建立一个自己的精品课程网站是十分必要的事情,这不仅能使更多的人享用宝贵的教育资料源,同时也对于提升学校自身的知名度,提高学生自学能力,有相当大的帮助。本设计的开发是基于B/S结构,采用JSP程序设计语言及SQLServer2005数据库进行开发。首先对精品课程网站做了详细的需求分析;然后给出了精品课程网站所需的功能,重点探讨了精品课程网站的设计法案;最后对精品课程网站进行了较详细的设计,并给出了具体实现步骤;通过测试分析,该系统的运行稳定、可靠,具有一定的实用价值。 关键词:精品课程;JSP;数据库;B/S;信息共享 Design and Implementation of Java High-quality Curriculum Website Abstract:The 21st Century is the times which information is highly developed and circulated, people can get more knowledge than before with the popularization of computers and the widespread application of computer network. Facing to the “information detonation” phenomena, how does the education catch up with the step of time not being dropped behind? Many experts think about this question: “How can we move the education resource onto the network and enable more people to share these resources”. As an institution whose main duty is spreading knowledge, it’s very necessary to build a high-quality curriculum website for each school, it is not only enable more people to share the valuable education information but also provide a great help to promote the school’s reputation and the students’ self-study ability.The development of this project is based on B/S frame; JSP programming language and SQLServer2005 database are used to develop. At first, this paper carries on a demand analysis about high-quality curriculum website in detail. Secondly, the functions of high-quality curriculum website are provided, and the plan of high-quality curriculum website is discussed. Finally, a com


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