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4 - 2 - 附件四:毕业设计(论文)文科样例 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题 目: “小身材”有“大智慧” ——论民生新闻的两次飞跃 院 系: 文学与传媒学院 专 业: 新闻采编与制作 班 级: 姓 名: XXX 学 号: XXXXXXXXXXX 指导教师: XXX 2008 年 5 月 22 日 PAGE I “小身材”有“大智慧” ——论民生新闻的两次飞跃 【摘要】民生新闻是我国近年来兴盛的一个重要新闻类型,各种媒体都把它作为在日益激烈的竞争中吸引读者的重要手段,并取得了很好的效果。严格说来,民生新闻是关注老百姓衣食住行的新闻,是反映老百姓喜怒哀乐的新闻。新闻的基本职能是传播信息,监测社会环境,及时发出预警信号,引导人们趋利避害。民生新闻表达民意,是公众意见交流的平台。作为社会学意义上的“安全阀”,它搜集舆情并通过反馈机制,实现下情上达或上情下达,对于消除偏见和误解、化解矛盾,维护社会的稳定和谐具有不可或缺的重要作用。因此,发觉民生新闻在现世界的意义,研究民生新闻发生发展的过程很有意义。近几年,民生新闻风行全国,已经成为电视、报纸等媒体中一道独特的风景。民生新闻关注民情、民意,聚焦社会热点、难点,彰显服务民生、以人为本的传播理念,受到观众和读者的广泛认同和空前欢迎。但随着民生新闻的兴盛,平庸化、琐碎化、娱乐化、同质化等问题也相伴而生,这些问题严重困扰着民生新闻的健康发展。本文通过对民生新闻在发展中的两次提升,以及这中提升所包含的传播学价值等进行研究,以进一步丰富内涵,拓展空间,提升品质,充分实现有效传播。 【关键词】民生新闻 公共新闻 后民生新闻 “The small stature” has “the big wisdom” ——to discuss the livelihood of the people news two times to leap 【Abstract】The livelihood of the people news was our country in recent years a prosperous national headlines type, each kind of media took it in the keen competition attracts day by day readers important means that and has made the very good progress. Strictly speaking, the livelihood of the people news is pays attention to the common people basic necessities of life the news, is reflects the common people laughter, anger, sorrow and happiness the news. The news basic function is the convey information, the monitor social environment, sends out the early warning signal promptly, guides the people to make use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions. The livelihood of the people news expression public opinion, is the public mind exchange platform. As the sociological significance in “the safety valve”, it collects the popular feelings and through the feedback mechanism, realizes the opinions and requirements of the masses made known to the upper levels or informs subordinates about policies, regarding the dispel prejudice and the misunderstanding, the melt contradiction, maintains the society stably to have the indispens



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