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2205、2507及Ti6Al4V油管材料在CO2腐蚀环境中的电化学特性研究 摘 要: 通过模拟油田环境,运用PARSTAT 2273电化学工作站,测量2205、2507及Ti6Al4V的腐蚀电位、点蚀电位、极化曲线和交流阻抗,由此研究耐蚀合金(2205、2507及Ti6Al4V)的电化学特性。腐蚀电位的研究结果表明:温度越高材料的腐蚀电位越低,耐蚀性越差;点蚀电位的研究结果表明:Ti6Al4V在N2气氛中的点蚀电位高于2205和2507,且在CO2气氛中则无点蚀现象发生,即Ti6Al4V在N2和CO2中的耐蚀性要好于2205和2507;随着Cl-浓度的增加,耐蚀合金的点蚀电位降低,耐蚀性下降;2205在Ca2+中的点蚀电位比在Na+中的点蚀电位低,即在Ca2+中更容易发生腐蚀倾向。极化曲线的研究结果表明:2507在CO2环境下极化曲线在阴极区有明显的钝化区;在H2S环境下的循环极化曲线中,回复电位远高于腐蚀电位,可见其具有良好的钝化能力。交流阻抗测试结果表明,这三种材料的极化电阻都很高,耐蚀性能优良。其中Rp(Ti6Al4V) Rp(2507)Rp(2205),表明Ti6Al4V的耐蚀性能最好,2507次之,2205最差。 关键词:耐蚀合金;电化学特性;点蚀电位;钝化膜;极化曲线 The Electrochemical Properties of 2205, 2507 and Ti6Al4V Tubing Materials in CO2 Corrosion environment Abstract: under simulated oilfield environment, using to measure corrosion potential, pitting potential, polarization curves and electrochemical impedance of 2205, 2507 and Ti6Al4V were measured by using PARSTAT 2273 electrochemical workstation. The electrochemical properties of corrosion resistant alloys (2205,2507 and Ti6Al4V) were Discussed. The results of corrosion potential show that: with the increase of temperature, corrosion potential of corrosion resistant alloys, and corrosion resistance decrease; the pitting potential results show that the pitting potential of Ti6Al4V is higher than 2205 and 2507 in N2, and no pitting corrosion phenomenon in CO2. Thus the corrosion resistance of Ti6Al4V is better than 2205 and 2507. Along with the increasing of concentration of Cl-, pitting potential and corrosion resistance of corrosion resistant alloy decrease. The pitting potential of 2205 in Ca2+ is lower than in Na+ so corrosion is easier to happen in Ca2+ on 2205 . The results of polarization curves show that 2507 has obvious passivation area in the cathodic area of polarization curve in CO2. and from the circular polarization curve in H2S, we can see that recovery potential is higher than corrosion potential; so it has good ability of the passivation. The electrochemical impedance results show that they all have high pol


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