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江西理工大学2010届本科生毕业设计(论文) PAGE 2 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文) 题 目:400W永磁同步风力发电机设计 与控制系统仿真 ——永磁同步风力发电机磁场有限元分析 学 院:电气工程与自动化学院 专 业:电气工程及其自动化 班 级: 学 生: 学 号 指导教师: 职称: 摘 要 随着人类对能源的需求日趋增大,而如石油、煤等传统能源日益枯竭,寻求新的能源利用方式极为重要。当今对可再生能源的开发利用中,风能由于其突出的优点而成为了研究的热点,风力发电是我国能源和电力可持续发展战略的最现实的选择。直驱永磁同步风力发电机去掉了风力发电系统中常见的齿轮箱,让风力机直接拖动电机转子运转在低速状态,这样就没有了齿轮箱所带来的噪声、故障率高和维护成本大等问题,从而提高了运行的可靠性。 我国对直驱式风力发电机的研究尚处于起步阶段,运行可靠、成本较低的中小型直驱式风力发电系统非常适合于我国的偏远农村、牧场、海防及边防哨所的供电,对改善这些地方的生产生活条件有深远的意义。首先,本文对风力发电的意义和背景、目前国内外的直驱风力发电现状以及用于直驱风力发电的电机类型作了较为全面的综述;其次,详细的介绍了永磁同步风力发电机的原理,探讨了400W直驱永磁同步风力发电机的设计特点和电磁设计方法;第三,运用ANSYS软件进行有限元分析,验证了设计的直驱式风力发电机方案的合理性。 关键词:永磁材料;直驱风力发电;永磁同步发电机;电磁设计;有限元分析 ABSTRACT With the increasing human demand for energy increases,and such as oil,coal and other traditional energy sources are depleted,to seek new energy use is extremely important. Today on the development and utilization of renewable energy,the wind made because of its outstanding advantages to study the hot,wind power is the power of energy and sustainable development strategies of the most realistic option.Direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous wind turbine wind power generation system to remove a common gearbox,direct drive motor for wind turbine rotor is operating at low speed condition,so there is no gearbox noise caused by high failure rate and maintenance the cost of such problems,thus improving reliability.Of direct drive wind turbine on the research is still in its infancy,reliable,low cost small and medium sized direct drive wind power system is suitable for Chinas remote rural areas,pasture,coastal and border posts in the power supply,to improve production and living conditions in these areas have far-reaching significance. Firstly,the significance of wind power generation and background,the current international status of direct drive wind power and wind power for direct-drive motor made a more comprehensive overview of the type;Secondly, a detailed description of the permanent magnet synchronous wind


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