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PAGE 摘 要 随着人们对环境保护的认识的加深,废水处理越来越受到重视,世界范围内,大量污水处理厂应运而生。本次毕业设计的内容完成A2/O法城市污水厂的初步设计。 该污水处理厂位于大庆市高新技术开发区,主要用于生活污水的处理,处理规模为5万吨/天,出水严格执行《污水处理厂污染排放标准》(GB8978-1996)一级A类标准,污水深度处理并回用于绿化灌溉用水。污泥作厌氧消化处理,产生的沼气用作供热或者发电。 所选择的A2/O工艺,能较好的去除SS和BOD5,并具有良好的脱氮除磷功能。污水处理的工艺流程为:由排水管网收集来的污水进入调节池,经过细隔栅进入曝气沉砂池,进入A2/O反应池,进入辐流式二次沉淀池,进入滤池,进入二氧化氯消毒设施,再进入巴氏计量槽,最后出水;污泥的流程为:从沉淀池排出的污泥进入集泥井,部分回流到A2/O反应池,剩余污泥进入污泥浓缩池,进入污泥消化池,再进入脱水车间,最后处理外运。 本设计完成设计说明书和设计计算书各一份,污水处理厂总平面图及污水处理高程图各一张。 关键词: A2/O工艺;深度处理及回用;厌氧消化;沼气利用;脱氮除磷 Abstract Along with deeper and deeper cognition to environmental protection, more and more attention is paid to the treatment of waste water. Large numbers of municipal sewage treatment plant are built all over the world. What I do is to design a municipal sewage treatment plant. Locating in the development area of new and high techonology in Daqing City, the new plant adopts a Anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic process, with a handling capacity of 50000m3 a day. Sreening, sand sinking, sedimentation, Anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic biological treatment , filtration, and disinfection are the main unit operations involved in the treatment of waste water. These operations fullfil following tasks: removal of SS and BOD5; removal of and phosphorus and nitrigon; and removal or destruction of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The outlet water of the plant meets the level one of the National Sewage Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996), thus it can be reused for irrigation of campus landscaping. After concentration and anaerobic disgestion, the surplus sludge is dewatered, and at last carried out of the plant. Marsh gas produced during anaerobic disgestion is collected for heating or power generation. A design specification, a caculation instruction, along with a plan and a altitude chart of the plant are finished . Key words:Anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic; Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus; Power generation of marsh gas ; Reuse; Anaerobic disgestion 前 言 城市污水是城市发展中的产物。城市污水的早期处理是通过污水收集系统收集排放到附近下游水体,使其经过水体的稀释和自然净化变污为清,但是随着城市规模的发展,污


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