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w 摘 要 本次设计的取力器是与EQ1181型载货汽车DF6S850型变速器匹配,变速器最大输出扭矩850Nm,要求:取力器最大输出扭矩450Nm;满足强度、刚度要求;较高的传递效率;良好的加工工艺性和装配工艺性。该取力器的取力形式为变速器左侧盖取力器,总体结构形式采用两轴式,从取力器到专用装置之间的动力传递可以采用机械传动。首先,根据EQ1181型货车发动机和变速器参数及所用专用装置的参数确定取力器传动比,根据装配空间确定取力器内两齿轮中心距范围,根据变速器取力齿轮参数确定取力器两齿轮的模数,压力角,齿宽等参数。其次,对轴、齿轮和键进行校核,验证各部件的可靠性。然后,完成取力器装配图和零件图的绘制。最后,编制部分零件的加工工艺过程。 通过计算分析,该取力器结构设计合理,制造工艺简单,基本可以用于实际生产和使用,达到设计要求。 关键词:货车;变速器;取力器;设计;工艺。 Abstract This design requires access edge with transmission DF6S850 of EQ1181 Truck matching, Request: the maximum output torque transmission 850Nm,get maximum output torque of Power 450Nm; to meet the strength and stiffness requirements; high transmission efficiency; good processing process and assembly process of. The devices take power from the power form of power transmission from the left side of cover, and the overall structure of the form of a two-axis, taking power from the device to a dedicated power transfer between the devices can be used mechanical transmission. First of all, the EQ1181-type vehicle in accordance with engine and transmission parameters and a dedicated device used to determine the parameters of Power from the transmission ratio, determined in accordance with the assembly of space inside edge from the center distance of two gear range, under the power transmission gear parameters taken from the two gear power devices module, pressure angle, tooth width and other parameters. After the shaft, gear and keys to check to verify the reliability of the components. Then, check our complete device assembly drawing and components drawing. Finally, the preparation of parts of the processing process. Analysis by calculating the force from a reasonable structure design, manufacturing process is simple, the basic can be used in actual production and use, meet the design requirements. Key words:truck;transmission; power take off; design;technology. 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \f \h \z HYPERLINK \l _Toc534483657 第一章 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc534483657 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc534483658



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