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WORD格式 可编辑 专业技术 知识共享 62、这里是接待处,可以为您效劳吗? Here’s the reception. What can I do for you? 64、早上好! Good morning! 65、下午好! Good afternoon! 66、明天见! See you ! 67、欢迎您! You are welcome 68、见到您很高兴! I’m very glad to meet you 69、请这边走! This way, please 70、请里边坐! Come in and sit down please 71、请您休息一下! Take a rest, please 72、请饮用一杯茶。 Have a cup of tea, please 79、还要别的吗? Anything else? 83、对不起,让您久等了。 I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 84、好,马上就来。 Yes, right away 85、好,请稍等。 Ok, just a minute. 86、向左拐。 Turn left please 87、向右拐。 Turn right please 88、一直往前走。 Straight on please 94、请问厕所在哪里? Where is the toilet? 95、先生,请问您预订过座位吗? Do you have a reservation, sir? 96、夫人,请这边走。 This way, please, Madam. 97、先生,请跟我来好吗? Would you please follow me, Sir? 98、夫人,这是您的座位。 This is your table, Madam. 99、请坐。 Sit down, please 100、请等一等,我马上给您安排。Wait a moment, please, I’ll be with you, right away. 101、请问一共几位? How many people in all, please? 102、您喜欢坐这里吗? Would you like to take this table? 103、这里有一张空台,先生。 Here is a vacant table, Sir. 104、请坐在那里,先生。 Sit there, Sir. 105、对不起,您能跟这位先生(女士,小姐)合用一张台吗? Excuse me, would you like to share this with that gentleman? 106、对不起,这里有空位吗?Excuse me, Do you have a free table, Sir? 107、已经有人招呼您了吗? Are you being served? 108、茶上好了。 Tea is ready 109、这里有点心。 Here are some cakes. 110、请吸烟。 Help yourself to a cigarette. 111、先生请问您这个团共多少人?How many are there in your party, Sir? 112、先生,对不起暂时没有空位了。I’m sorry, Sir. There’s no vacant table for the moment 118、先生,来杯茅台酒吗? How about a cup of Maotai, Sir? 120、你要哪种? Which may I bring you? 121、您吃点什么? What are you going to take? 122、您喜欢喝什么酒? What wine would you like, Sir? 123、先生,请慢用。 Enjoy your dinner, Sir. 124、这茶还很烫,请小心。The tea is still too hot, be careful, please. 125、现在上菜好吗? May I serve you now? 126、抱歉,耽误了您的时间。 I’m sorry to have kept you waiting 127、实在对不起,我们马上替您重做。I’m very sorry. We will make another portion for you shortly. 128、对不起,我马上问清楚再告诉您。I’m sorry. I’ll make it clear and inform you as soon as p


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